Baking love

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Elisa's P.O.V

"7 more." I shout to the back of the bakery, as 7 more people walk in. I work In a bakery that's called the cupcakery. We're famous for our delicious cupcakes.

"Two Carmel pretzel cupcakes!" My friend Aaron says. She was the same age as me... but a lot prettier.

Aaron has blonde wavy hair that flows down to around her belly button. Its gorgeous, I tend to play with it A LOT! As for me, I have straight long brown hair that stops below my chest. I usually either curl it or pull it up.

A lot of people don't know us, but we aren't like on nerd level.

I wipe my flour covered hands over my black apron and enter the kitchen.

"Guys, It's packed out there, we need three strawberry shortcakes." I say and go back out to the cash register.

Erny, the owner of the cupcakery, who's 91 years old, places the two Carmel pretzel cupcakes in a box.

"Thanks Erny! I say and hug him.

"Your getting me dirty kid!" He laughs and throws some flour all over me.

All I do is laugh and look up at the next costumer. My face goes red and a whole zoo gets loose in my stomach.

It was a boy that goes to our school named Nick.

Nick was the high school hotty, for most girls but to me he's a high school jerk. He's defiantly hooked up with over 100+ girls over our high school years.

Him and his friends have a thing where they dare each other to get girls to fall in love with them. So far I haven't been targeted. Lets hope it stays that way,

"Ugh, you." I say.

"You mean, Omg its you!" He says and makes a dramatic pose.

"How may I help you?" I say bitterly

"Well you could help me get a couple of your hot friends to go out with me." He says trying to get Aaron. I almost gag.

I look around and see his latest "dare" walking towards us.

"Baby I'm hungry, hurry up." She says innocently. But I think we all know she wasn't hungry for cupcakes.

I shiver at the thought.

She looks up at me, "Ew, I don't want this ratchet girl touching our food. And back off my boyfriend." She says.

"First of all can you not read, my apron says cashier, so I don't touch the food, and second of all no one wants your boyfriend thats why your with him!" I defend myself. I'm not the best at this, but I think I did pretty good.

Nick just stands there, not saying anything. He's just checking out all the girls who come in.

"Of course." I mumble under my breath.

"I'll take two strawberry cream cupcakes." He asks once he zones back in.

"Are you sure you want two, I thought that she'd just eat it out of your mouth." I say with a smirk. Good one Elissa!

I shout back to the kitchen repeating their order and rolling my eyes as I say every word.

"Is something wrong with your eyes." The little slut asks.

"Yes, its looking at you!" I tell her getting ready to slap her stupid face.

"Woah, Woah, Woah. Whats going on here?" Erny asks as he joins me at the cash register.

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