Chapter 2 - Two Sides of a Coin

Start from the beginning

Finally, after he satisfied his urge, he turned his attention back towards her, and promptly changed the subject.

"Do you remember the son of the Duke of Colton?" He asked easily as he relaxed in the chair opposite her.

"Lord Mayweather." She named easily, for the man only had one son, "Yes I had the pleasure of meeting him at my eighteen birthday celebration."

"What can you tell me about him?" Her father wondered.

Gwenwyn allowed herself to wear a mild look of interest as she answered. "Lord Mayweather is ten years my senior, and was recently married to Lady Margaret Ortiz of Burkelan. His father, the Duke of Colton, is one of the Head Councilors for King Griggory James Paul Lyonal of Terrafeuw.

"What was the purpose of the Terrafein Lord's presence at your birthday celebration?" He inquired.

Gwenwyn allowed herself a moment's hesitation. She had a feeling that her father knew perfectly well what Lord Mayweather was doing at the palace that night and it was unlikely that he had visited merely for the wine and dancing.

It meant one thing; her father was testing her.

She took a slow thoughtful breath and forced herself to appear indifferent as she answered, "As a head Councilor, the Duke of Colton is unable to leave the capital. Therefore, all matters relating to or involving interrealm communications and foreign policies would fall to his firstborn son, Lord Mayweather. His presence on Rramnon soil would naturally fall into one of two categories."

Gwenwyn paused and allowed her father the courtesy of adding to her information. He merely nodded and allowed her to continue.

"Either he was here for sport and wished to partake in Rramnon's many recreational opportunities, or he was sent as a emissary on business from the King. Since there is very little sport in November, it would stand that Lord Mayweather was here for the latter reason."

"You are as cunning as you are beautiful." Her father's remark forced a blush from her cheeks, but she quickly managed to get her feelings under control before he noticed. "Both assets will come in handy during trading negotiations."

Only the slightest hint of confusion escaped her, as she waited for him to continue explaining.

"The Advisors have decided, and I happen to agree with them, that it is time the first born daughter of King Heralf Gar Derrick Egger proved her usefulness to this Kingdom."

Gwenwyn's actual interest peaked at the idea of being beneficial to Rramnon. "What must I do?" she remarked attentively.

"You are to act as your Kingdom's ambassador and assistant negotiator for Trade Kingdom's annual negotiations."

Her eyes widened from genuine apprehension. She wanted to remind her father that she had not been allowed to study negotiations of any kind, but then his earlier statement about her beauty caused a sick feeling deep in her stomach and she fought to hide it behind a wall of indifference.

"I won't be partaking in the negotiation, will I?" She questioned, not caring if it was an un-princess like thing to do.

King Heralf grinned slyly at her inquiry. "You will be allowed in the chamber, but your judgments and your remarks will remain quietly locked behind that lovely mouth of yours."

'Then why send me at all?' Gwen wondered silently.

"The annual negotiations will be the reason for the expedition, but the actual objective of your departure will remain confidential until the day of your journey."

"When do I leave?"

"In six days."

Gwen thought back to the promise she made the oak tree barely seven days ago. With a hard heart she realized that, with the waxing moon, there was no chance for her to return to her meadow unnoticed.

She silently said goodbye to the things she had collected there over the years, and then looked up at her father.

"I understand." Gwenwyn accepted.

King Heralf motioned that she was dismissed, and walked back to the drawer where he kept his pipe.

~~~Six Days Later

Gwenwyn forced her face to appear aloof as she read and reread the letter of instruction that had been left for her in the carriage. The handwriting told her that her father's steward had written it.

To Gwenwyn,

You have been tasked with traveling to the Trade Kingdom of Terrafeuw in order to win the favor of King Griggory. The widowed King, will be hosting a Ball at the end of the negotiations in honor of the Champions of a Kingdom wide festival known as the Tournament of Wills. It has been discovered that during this celebration King Griggory will begin his search for a suitable replacement for the late Queen Rebekah.

Terrafeuw, as you well know, is made nearly impenetrable by both the Great Shanri Desert and constantly guarded trade waters. For the last fifty years we have struggled to devise an appropriate form of attack in order to siege control of Terrafeuw's trade routs.

The Rramnon Advisor's have decided, and I have agreed, that a gentler hand must be used in the acquisition of the Trade Kingdom. Therefore, let me be blunt.

You have been charged with the task of doing everything within your power to obtain the hand of the widowed King. Through your sons, Rramnon will have the ability to control the distribution of trade throughout the Thirteen Kingdoms.

This is my will, and therefore the will of the people of Rramnon.

You must not let your people down,

His Royal Majesty Heralf Gar Derrick Egger, King of Rramnon

Gwen's heart filled with spite as her eyes continued to bore holes into the letter. She had secretly hoped to be a hero of Rramnon. That her father's letter might contain a secret mission to save...she wasn't sure what, but nearly anything would have been better than what had been given to her.

It had become painfully clear what her father thought of her, what her expected of her.

The Rramnon Advisors had tasked her with trying to win the heart of a man nearly thrice her age.

She released her frustration with the lightest of sighs, forced herself to neatly fold the letter and place it calmly beside her on the cushioned seat of the carriage.

Princess Gwenwyn cautiously avoided the eyes of her lady-in-waiting, Mryah, and allowed herself a brief pleasure by staring longingly out of the carriage window. Hills rolled past her, and the melting snow still glistened in patches as the sun rose higher in the sky.

Part of her dreamed of running, of leaping out of the claustrophobic carriage and going wherever her feet could take her.

And yet.

Duty and perhaps natural curiosity forced her to remain seated as the carriage sped across the Kingdom of Rramnon.

'A Princess must serve the will of her people.' Her father's voice reminded her.

It had been his favorite of her many rules. The last line of his letter mocked her, reminding her of the path that fate had dealt her.

Princess Gwenwyn would do as her father commanded, while Gwen dreamed of running away.

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