25. Hell is my Life

Start from the beginning

“I understand, Baby.  Call me when you want to be picked up.”

“I will.”  I smiled at him, and stood outside until his truck was no longer in sight. 

Slowly, I opened the door and walked inside the house.  It was unbelievably dirty.  The first thing I smelled when I opened the door was dust and dirt.  It was the horrible pungent smell.

I sighed.  I started in the living room, opening the curtains that probably hadn’t been opened in years. It already looked better just because there was some sunlight in the room.

I didn’t even know what to pick up first. 

For a couple minutes, I just stood there in the middle of the room, looking around. 

Then I picked up the plates of gross, moldy food that was on the floor and tables.  I put them in the kitchen, thinking about how I would need to deal with all the dirty dishes later.  I picked up all the trash off of the floor, chairs, and tables.  Once there wasn’t trash and food everywhere, and it was cleaner, I dusted everything off with a cloth.

After that, I got out the ancient vacuum and vacuumed the living room. 

When I was done, it was spotless. 

I went to the kitchen, and dumped all the food that was on all the plates into the trash.  Then I washed the dished, dried them, and put them into the cabinets. 

I swept and mopped the floor.  I scrubbed the counters and oven and sink.  I cleaned out the refrigerator, and took out the trash. 

A couple hours later, I was done cleaning the kitchen, living room, bathroom, and my room.  I wasn’t even going to bother with the basement; Marcus could do that. 

All that was left to do was my dad’s room. 

When I got down the hall to his room, I slowly opened the door.  The TV was left on; I guess they had come and arrested him when he was watching TV.

It was like a pigsty in there.  There were beer bottles everywhere, and leftover food on the ground, movie cases on the ground, and cups of rotten milk on his nightstand. 

It even smelled bad in here. 

Disgusted, I held my nose, turned the light on, and shut the TV off. 

I started off with putting the food and cups of milk into the trashcan.  I wasn’t even going to try and wash the milk out of those cups.

Then I made the bed, dusted, and vacuumed.

Afterward, I sat down on the bed.  I remembered when my mom and dad were a happy couple, and they slept in the same bed every night, and when Marcus and I would come into the room when they were sleeping in the mornings and jump on the bed.

I lay back, putting my head on the pillow, only somewhat thinking about all of the gross germs that were on this bed.  Mostly, I was thinking about all the memories that happened in this house.

While I was thinking, I fell asleep.

I woke up only because my phone was ringing.  “Hello?”  I answered.

“Tear Drop!  Are you okay?”  A panicked voice asked me. I then realized it was Ford.

“I’m fine…”

“Did anything happen?”

“No.  Why?”

“I called you like, a million times!” He yelled.

“Shit, sorry.  I was sleeping.”

“Oh.”  He let out a sigh of relief. “I was so worried.”

I chuckled.  “I’m fine.  You worry too much.”

“Yeah, whatever.  I’m coming to pick you up now.”

“Okay, that’s fine.”

We said our good-byes, and then hung up.  I checked how many missed calls I had, and it was 24.  No wonder he thought something had happened to me!

About 5 minutes later, Ford came in the house. I was lying on the couch in the living room, and he walked over to the couch, motioned for me to move over, and laid beside me.

“I really love you.”  He whispered quietly.

“I really love you too.”


Then he kissed me, and didn’t let go.   


No, this is not the last chapter.  there is one more! no, i won't tell you what will happen(; lol.  I'll upload it in a couple days, maybe tomorrow or tuesday. Then there will be an epilouge.

Sorry it's so short! I didn't know what to write, and I was so anxious to write the last chapter, that I wasn't worried about trying to make this one interesting... sorry again!


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