Chapter 28~ Out planning the enemy

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Flipping a sharpie between my fingers absently, I thought of what options I had for beating Carter. They weren't numerous.

Carter was smart; no point denying that. He was definitely one to suspect everything and already be five steps ahead of you at any given moment.

Despite how handsomely infuriating he was and the fact that he had tried to kill me; I didn't want to kill him. I didn't want to kill anyone. Images of May still danced around my head hauntingly every now and then. I would have never in a million years have predicted myself to be in high school sitting around planning a murder. No, a second murder.

I felt like a horrible person, I had since I'd pulled the trigger and seen the light fading out of May's eyes. But there was always the constant rush of adrenaline and survival instinct pushing me to keep fighting- to win.

But how? How could I beat Carter? What could I think of that would take him by surprise?

I could just walk to his dorm, knock on the door and shoot him as soon as he opens it.... I thought slowly before shaking my head. I'd never be able to do that. I knew I wouldn't follow through if I went about it like that.

Sighing, I leaned back against my bed frame, grabbing a random sock and throwing it at the wall for no reason. I groaned in sad, bored annoyance, chucking another sock at the wall.

How else could I go about it? I wondered, taking in a deep breath, I could ask him to meet me off campus and not show up... Then the snipers would kill him for me. Again I shook my head, there's no way he would show up. He knows the rules. He's much too smart to be duped like that.

My inspiration for complex murder schemes was simply nonexistent. I may have been one who was quick to "violence", but only to the extent of kicking, punching and, on rare occasions, hospitalizing. But generally I would never even contemplate actually killing someone.

But you've already done it once, the darker side of my mind chimed in, what's the problem of doing it once more; just to finish the job?

The problem is I don't want to see the look of death in anyone else's eyes. I don't want to kill people. Part of me feels like I died a bit inside when I pulled the trigger on May. A part of me I can never resurrect. My less lethal side responded.

Clearing my mind I refocused, I didn't have a choice. My options were kill or be killed. It was too late to entertain the better side of myself.

I could wait in the lunch room and shoot him when he walks in and then run.... No definitely not. Then everyone would know I was a horrible person and possibly find out about the game. I thought, beginning to feel desperate for some kind of plan that I could actually use.

Then I had a spark of an idea, something that just might succeed. Going directly to him to discuss anything would end badly.... But, having someone else tell him to meet me could work. I needed the element of surprise, but I also needed a guarantee that he would be there.

A plan slowly came together in my mind; have someone else tell him to meet me in front of the school tomorrow morning at ten. But I couldn't just say meet me or he would be suspicious. There had to be a form of illusion to get him to show.

I'll have someone tell him to meet me at ten in front of the school to "finish what we started". That won't give away the game to the messenger and Carter will think it's going to be a fair fight... Hopefully he'll think that. I plotted in my mind, slowly nodding my head. Element of surprise- I'll just shoot as soon as he walks out to meet me. He won't have time to try and fight back.

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