Chapter 11~ conflict of many kinds

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I reached over, squeezing Chris's hand gently as he stared out the plane window.

"It'll be ok." I assured him gently.

He bit his lip without response, pain still engulfing his eyes.

The silence continued, growing awkward as we sat there.

"Chris?" I squeezed his hand again, trying to reassure him.

He turned his head, staring into my eyes while his brimmed with tears and fear.

"Just remember I'm here for you." I leaned my head on his shoulder.

He sighed as he leaned his head on mine, "I know."


"Dad!" Chris called out as we spotted his father at the hospital.

His dad turned to face us, waving weakly. We picked up our pace, jogging toward him.

"How is she?" Chris asked the second we reached his dad.

His dad swallowed visibly, "she's in a coma."

Chris's face fell, all hope draining out, he sat down with a surreal look. Muttering quietly, "no, no, no, no..."

I sat down next to him, wrapping an arm around his shoulders as he always did for me.

He leaned on me in silent depression and denial.

A doctor emerged a few minutes later, breaking the silence, "your welcome to come see her if you want."

His father thanked the doctor and urged us to follow him in.

We followed slowly into the room where his mom lay motionless, as if sleeping. Well, in a way she was sleeping, but not really.

Chris sat on the edge of her bed, holding his mom's hand and staring at her frozen in sleep state.

No one said much for awhile, settling into a sort of grim silence.

I sat awkwardly by, not sure what I was supposed to do.

"I'll be right back I'm heading to the bathroom." I pointed toward the door as I headed toward the bathroom to escape the depressed silence.

I stared in the bathroom mirror for a while, mind blank and no idea on what I could do to help. Though as my luck would have it I didn't have time to decide how to help.

"Found her." I heard someone muttered as the bathroom door slammed open.

I turned slightly, curious as to who they were speaking with.

The woman appeared to be speaking into her watch, while eyeing me angrily with her stony blue eyes.

I swallowed deeply, beginning to be a little freaked out by her stare.

Clearing my throat I attempted to walk past her out the door. She grabbed onto my arm, yanking me back into the bathroom. I'm

"What the hell! Who are you?" I demanded, wrenching my arm free of her grasp and backing up a few feet.

She faked a lunge at me, successfully scaring me back away from the door.

Pulling a chain belt from around her waist, she quickly barred the door shut and advanced on me.

"Who are you? What's going on?" I protested as I back away from her.

She continued her advance, jaw tight and an outraged look on her face. She glared at me as if I were a fugitive and she was the the mother of the victim.

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