Chapter twenty two

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"You know this bullshit plan will never work, right?" Sir Brown reiterated to Charmaine as they drove up to the front gate of Lady Gayle's estate.

"Just stick to the plan and introduce me to mommy," Charmaine sarcastically smiled.

"I think you've been hanging around with those ruffians for too long," Sir Brown said. "Mommy will not be pleased."

"Why you keep calling her that?" Charmaine asked. "You one of her estranged children too?"

"She raised me, taught me how to become a gentleman," Sir Brown informed as the Escalade driver spoke to the security at the front gate.

"So like a foster mom," Charmaine suggested.

"Something like that," Sir Brown seemed irritated by the line of questioning.

"So how is she, really?" Charmaine still was nervous about meeting the woman that had originally set this whole nightmare of hers in motion.

"You will soon see," was all that Sir Brown had to offer.

Charmaine felt like she was back on her first day going to the strip club with Train even though Train was more of a comfort than Sir Brown was. She didn't know what lies beyond those gates but she was going to find out sooner or later. Charmaine had been through hell and back and now it was time to meet the person that set on the throne.

Charmaine started fidgeting with her hands. Sir Brown noticed.

"What the hell you got to be nervous about?" Sir Brown asked. "It's your little buddies that should be worried.

Charmaine laughed. "If only you knew."

Charmaine knew Sir Brown didn't know about the two brothers. They had been through more stuff than she could imagine and that was just in the few months she knew them. She knew they had been having each other's back for years and not even Death could separate them.

Charmaine thought she could live her life with just Train by her side. Maybe without Tamel, they could square the bill with Lady Gayle and live happily ever after. Charmaine thought Train would go for it but she was wrong. Train's loyalty for his brother was about as real as it comes. Charmaine knew now and forever that she could never break that. Nothing could.

So no, Charmaine was not worried for the brothers. If anything Lady Gayle should be worried about them. They had outsmarted her at every turn and even became her competitors in the process. The brothers were just that good together. Charmaine now knew she made a mistake trying to think otherwise.

The driver got out and walked around to where Sir Brown was seated and let him out first then walked to the other side to let Charmaine out.

Charmaine was at awe at the mansion that Lady Gayle resided in. It looked bigger than King's and King was supposed to be the top boss. Charmaine was greeted by two buff security guards wearing tight black shirts and AK-47s across their backs with straps. Charmaine started thinking it may not be as easy as it was for the brothers to get in here than King's estate.

The guards escorted them through the big oak wooden doors of the complex and into a large and luxurious living room with plush carpets and white leather couches. It looked like something out of Home and Garden. King could have taken lessons from her.

Charmaine just shook her head. She instantly became mad. All this time she been struggling and both her parents were living the good life without her.

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