Chapter four

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"You far from home, homey," Train said still aiming his pistol at the newcomer by the door.

"Could say the same thing for you," the guy said, then looked at Charmaine. "But now I can see why?"

"Why are you here?" Train asked as the man walked in.

"What the fuck is going on?" Charmaine asked and her roommate shrugged her shoulders, intrigued herself.

"Allow me to introduce myself," the man said. "My name is Detective Royce Thompson. You don't know me, but I know a lot about you and the current situation you in."

"In case you haven't realized, this isn't New York," Train said with his gun still aimed straight at Thompson's forehead. "You don't have any jurisdiction here and since you're not here on cop business or scalping tickets for a Yankees and Braves game, why the fuck are you here?"

Thompson looked at Charmaine's roommate. "Sure, but I think Miss..."

"Jan," the roommate said,

"Needs to leave," Thompson said.

"Fuck no," Jan expressed. "This is my room y'all people barged in so it's y'all that needs to leave before I get security."

"You mean that toy cop I just walked past to get here?" Train replied.

"Anyway, I'm not leaving so have your discussion but I'm staying put," Jan hopped on her bed.

"You can put the gun away now," Thompson said to Train.

"Only two orders people ever gave me an order I half way obeyed," Train said, "My mother and another motherfucker. And since you ain't her and you damn sure ain't him, this gun will stay on your ass as long as needed."

Thompson turned around and closed the door. He turned back around and faced Train. He put his hands up.

"I'm unarmed," Thompson said. "You're right, I'm here on unofficial police business. But all I want to do is talk to Miss Charmaine."

"What the hell is going on?" Charmaine asked. "And Train, put the gun away, you're scaring Jan."

"No, that shit is sexy," Jan said from the bed,

Train smiled. "See she cool with it and I don't trust this motherfucker. His partner was..."

"Yeah, the cop you killed," Thompson finished.

Charmaine's eyes went up like saucers. Knight.

"No recollection of that, officer," Train said.

"Look, Darren," Thompson said Train's government. "I'm not here for revenge for what you did, Karma will come for you. I'm here for her." Thompson pointed at Charmaine.

"What do you want with me?" Charmaine looked nervous.

"Doesn't matter," Train said. "She ain't talking to you and neither am I but this hollow point got a few choice words for you if you try something stupid."

"You really want to continue following that path this riff raff is leading you?" Thompson said to Charmaine.

"I'm not appreciating all those afterschool words you're using right now," Train said, "So either back up and leave or get knocked out. Your choice but the clock is ticking."

"Damn, I wish I had some popcorn for this," Jan said. She was really enjoying the confrontation.

"You're right again," Thompson said. "We don't have much time but I still have to say something to Charmaine she needs to know."

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