Chapter Ten

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Kyles P.O.V. ( sorry idk why I'm apologizing agh)

I paced back and forth in my bedroom. I don't know I love him to but I wasn't ready to admit such a big thing. I have never once loved anybody this way in my entire life and now. Now he just LOVES me. I sank into my mattress and hummed along to the music I had playing in the background. I think it was state champs or something I don't know. I couldn't even think straight. (Prob cuz he's gay idk just a thought)

I decided to push all the thoughts away until morning. I flipped on Netflix and turned on a random episode of 'Friends' cause you know? Why not? I fell asleep to the sounds of Chandler and Joey and woke up with a certain someone staring at me.

I screamed naturally cause well. Someone was staring at me while I was asleep even though I know it was Johnnie. I looked at my phone. It is fucking 2 AM.

"What Johnnie?," I groaned, annoyed.

"I couldn't sleep knowing you were mad at me," he told me calmly. I noticed he was still in his pajamas.

"I'm not mad at you Johnnie. I just- I just don't know what to think," I told him tiredly.

I stretched my arms open for him to cuddle and he did. I then realized I do love him. What could go wrong with me saying it back? I mean I've got nothing to lose.

"I love you too Johnnie,"
He looked up at me unsure.

"Are you sure?" He questioned.

I nodded smiling and he caught his lips with mine happily. We didn't say much. But we fell asleep in each other's arms.


Sadly, when I awoke Johnnie wasn't there. But my dad was standing there staring at me waiting. I sat up and looked him in the eye. "What?" I asked out of caution. He just had a blank stare on his face.

Before I knew it his fist glided across my face, most likely leaving a mark.

"Why are you fucking dating that faggot? Oh wait I guess you are one already." He told me harshly.

"I should send you to like conversion therapy or some shit," he finished.

"No use dad. I'll be out of here after I graduate. Just deal with me for 8 more months. Ok?"

He nodded and made a disgusted face and slammed my door closed. I went back to sleep cause it was Sunday or as known as my last day to sleep in before Monday. I didn't even see any texts so what's the use of getting out of bed today? None.


Nightmares were the worst. You couldn't forget about them but you couldn't sleep past them. You were just stuck watching it. Like a scary movie. Until you woke up. Mine was about my dad and me fighting but honestly I could have been true. He was just beating me non stop but he has already punched me once in a few different places. What makes him not be able to do it again. Multiple times. All over. Nothing can stop him until I turn 18 and that's not until June so I'll have to tough through it. Johnnie could help me be more happy I guess.

He always does.


Sorry this is so short. The bad drama is about to start :/

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