Chapter Four

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Kyles P.O.V

It was Monday. The worst day of the week. Yesterday I ended up laying in bed all day debating on if I should text Johnnie or not. I decided against it. I could barely handle myself right now let alone a friend or boyfriend. Whatever he was trying to be.

I snuck out the back door and headed to school. Johnnie would probably try to talk to me but honestly I am to depressed to care about my popularity anymore.

The early morning air was crisp and cold considering it was the end of fall. I cuddled into my thin sweatshirt until I walked into that horrible building. I don't even know why I'm sad about my dad punching me. He's done way worse than that.

I grabbed my books out of my locker and headed to first period. I was a little more happy because I knew Johnnie would be there. It's weird cause Friday I was just admiring him and now he decided to talk to me and be my friend. I poked johnnies head while I headed to the back row. He got up excitedly and followed me, sitting in the seat next to mine.

I don't understand how he is always so upbeat and happy. Whenever I'm around him he makes me happier cause he's always jumping off the walls and it takes my mind off everything. What drives me crazy is if he wants to know something he won't shut up about it. He keeps asking me why my parents hit me and I'm not going to tell him. Why? Because I think we have a good chance of being friends and I don't want to scare him off.

We talked for a little while throughout 1st, 2nd, and 3rd period. I figured out we had separate lunches which made me sad cause I was really starting to like Johnnie.

I ate with my "group", there was: Tyler, Alex, Jordan, And Bryan. I was eating a hot pocket I had bought towards the front of the cafeteria. I was almost finished when I saw the preppy-cheerleaders walk in towards me.

"No!" I whisper yelled into my hands right before they arrived. Jordan chuckled and nudged my side.

The leader of them; Shannon, thinks just because I'm the most popular guy in school and she's the most popular girl we should date. Tyler has a crush on her and I've tried setting them up but it doesn't work. She wants me.

"Hey, babe," she said sweetly tapping on my shoulder. She was actually very pretty. If I wasn't gay I definitely would date her except she's a bitch. Maybe she's not to other people, she is to me though. I flipped her off and kept eating my hot pocket. Hoping she would get bored with me and go away. She was used to me being rude to her but she just never gave up.

I wish I could just come right out and tell her "oh my god I'm gay, shut the fuck up," but I'm not going to let her break me. I lasted through 20 minutes of her talking, playing with my hair, and Tyler  blushing until the bell finally rang. Poor Tyler.

The last 3 classes besides 6th period were filled with my being bored and not listening to a word of what each teacher said.


I layed in bed staring at johnnies number, Rewriting and writing different texts I could say. I didn't want to sound desperate but I really wanted to text him. I settled with a "Hey," and plugged my phone into my charger. I must have stated up at the plain white popcorn ceiling for quite a while before my phone buzzed saying I got a text message. I saved him into my contacts as 'Johnnie <3' cause obviously I was developing a crush on him.

J: Who is this?

I smiled and replied.

K: Kyle

J: Oh! I just saved you into my contacts  :)

K: Okay

I didn't really know what to say so I waited for him to say something. What he said was kind of blunt and surprised me.

J: Have you cut yourself since that day I saw you?

Truthfully, No I haven't but I wanted too. Johnnie had distracted me from doing so.

K: No

J: That's good.

K: Thank you

I don't know exactly what I was saying thank you for. Maybe being so nice to me. Maybe cause he was keeping my from cutting myself again. Maybe even because I liked him.

J: For what?

K: For keeping me from cutting myself.

J: No problem

I smiled, finally happy. I think I might just have enough courage to ask him out. Maybe not. I would probably tell him I'm gay before straight up asking him out.



Sorry the chapters aren't that interesting yet. I promise they will be eventually.

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