Chapter Two

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Kyles P.O.V
Like usual I walked home. I live just a block away from the school, so I didn't have to drive or take the bus. Normally when I got there, my parents or brother weren't home, but today was different. They were all home. Every once in awhile they got home early, but I didn't expect it to happen today.

I tip-toed in the house, trying not to be noticed; but that didn't work cause as soon as I walked in, my dad punched my face, causing me to fall over. This type of stuff, is what I meant when I said my family wasn't "supportive". My dad chuckled and my brother mumbled "faggot" under his breath.

A tear streamed down my face as I slowly, made my way up to my room. I sighed and pushed myself into my bed. I can't believe my own family, would treat me like that. It happens everyday too! Usually, if this type of stuff happened, they had like, really good
friends they could go to. But me, I didn't have any good friends, all I have is acquaintances.

I cried off and on for hours and hours. I skipped dinner. I went into my bathroom, and examined the swollen bruise covering my face. All I could think was 'My own dad did this to me'.
I rummaged through the bathroom drawers, until I found what I was looking for. I ran the cold water on the thin piece of metal, and scrubbed it clean. I wanted to cut, not get some disease. I washed of my wrist as well, and then held the cool piece of metal, in the exact place to have the perfect cut.

I put it onto my wrist and slid it across it. Blood trickled out as I did it multiple times. Across old scars and new scars and places where, there wasn't even scars. After a few cuts I stopped and washed away the blood, with the cold sink water that actually felt amazing on the newly formed cuts. I bandaged it
up, with the last bandages I had.
I layed down on my soft cozy bed and went to sleep, disappointed at myself.


Johnnies P.O.V
I woke up on Saturday morning; feeling refreshed and happy, as usual. The only time I could remember me being unhappy, is when my mom took my phone away, or said I couldn't go to an important school event. I slowly got myself dressed into my "weekend casual" outfit.

Just a pair of skinny jeans and a white shirt that had my favorite band name on it,"Sleeping with Sirens". I slipped on my glasses and slipped out the door, without my mom noticing.
I loved my mom, but she was so strict, I swear she would have me on a leash if she could.

The park was quite a few blocks away, but I could handle it. I grabbed my skateboard, from behind a little bush in the front yard and started riding towards the park. I don't usually do much there. Just watch all the
family's, and when nobody was around; I would climb up those rope walls. Everybody thinks I'm a nerd cause I like school, but I'm really not.
About halfway to the park, I saw a guy about my age sitting against a tree. Even from a distance, I saw he had been crying. He definitely caught my attention though. He had beautiful brown-ish blonde hair with a black beanie covering it. He had gauges, like me, only his were smaller and you could actually see them. Mine were covered up by my hair, because I didn't want my mom to find out I had gotten them, without her permission.
I slowed down my skateboard to where he couldn't really see me, so I could admire him a bit more. That's when I realized who he was. He was the most popular kid in school. He had girls crawling all over him; I had no chance cause from my perspective, he seemed to be straight. That didn't stop me from asking him what's wrong, though.

I was half expecting him to say, "My girlfriend broke up with me," or something stupid like that, that would make me jealous. But who cares.
I quietly walked up to the tree he was sitting by. As I made my way into his neatly mowed yard, I felt his eyes on me. He didn't move though, so I kept walking towards him.

I sat by him against the tree, and he sniffled. There was a complete silence between us, and neither of  us said a thing, so I decided to speak up.

"What's wrong?" I asked. He just shook his head sadly.

"You wouldn't understand," he chuckled, even though it wasn't funny at all.

I was really concerned, it looked like he had been crying for hours. I finally got to see what he looked like up close. He was truly gorgeous. Just my luck: The first guy I ever see that I truly like, is most likely straight.

"Sure I would," I finally said, "here, come to the park with me." He gave me a light smile, and ran to his garage. A couple minutes later, I saw him come out with a tie-dye penny board.

I grinned knowing he was coming with me, and without another word, we headed to the towns' park

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