Chapter Six

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A/N: Sorry I'm late with the update! But here you go.

Johnnies P.O.V (sorry I like writing in johnnies P.O.V for some reason)

I told him we needed to talk about the kiss. He knew we had to but he kept changing the subject. Yet again, I brought it back up.

"I can't be in a relationship with you Johnnie." He finally said. I frowned sadly and just wanted to go home and cry. I had never been rejected before.

"But one because I feel like you're doing it cause you feel bad for me o-or just to make me happy." He muttered shakily as tears raged at the corner of his eye.

"Now why would I want to be with you if I didn't like you Kyle?" I asked. He shrugged. An idea suddenly came into my head. I ran out of his room and headed towards the mall. He probably  thought I was ditching him and that I hated him but what I was about to do was a sign that I actually wanted to be in a relationship with him.

I wanted to be able to kiss Kyle and hold his hand. I wanted to be able to take him on dates or maybe the other way around. I would be happy either way. I ran into a wedding ring store only I obviously wasn't going for a wedding ring.

I rang the bell at the front desk of the store. It echoed loudly into the back room and a nice looking lady stepped out. Her name tag read Jenna. She had long blonde hair and when she welcomed me she had a fresh Australian accent as if she just moved here from Australia.

"So how may I help you today?" She asked a smile plastered on her face. You could tell she loved her job.

"I'm looking for a necklace that I could carve stuff into," as soon as I spoke I noticed how nervous and retarded I sounded but she knew what I was talking about and nodded. Jenna led me to a little area in the store that had a bunch if different shapes and sizes of blank lockers and necklaces. I chose a locket that I could carve on and then but a picture of me and Johnnie inside.

"Can you carve K+J on the front and then make it so I could put a picture inside," I stated smiling happily. After about 10 minutes of her using the machine to carve she handed me the 2 necklaces. "That will be 24.50," she said the smile still painted across her entire face. I gave her a 20 and a 10. She ran back to get me change. "No keep it Jenna," I said smiling.

She thanked me and then I took a taxi back to Kyles cause I didn't feel like walking. I examined the blue colored box and smiled at my accomplishment. Kyle will love these.


I walked up to Kyles room and saw him passed out on the floor with yet another band aid on his wrists. I shoved the necklaces in my back pocket and took his hand and ripped off the band aid quickly before he noticed I was here. I saw little newly forming scabs over the new cuts. I sighed. "God Kyle. Why would you do this to yourself again."

I flushed every single blade I could find down the toilet and layed in bed with him. Since he was taller I fit perfectly into the crook of his neck. I cuddled into him and smiled. I can't believe he hasn't woken up yet. I squeezed him tighter and kissed his cheek.

I would have to show him his gift in the morning. I honestly didn't care if my strict mom and dad didn't see that i was home. I'm with my best friend and possibly new boyfriend. Is that a crime? I don't think it is.

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