A Summer With Uncle Tony (part 2)

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IAmIronMan has invited Mal, Ben, Percy, Annabeth, CaptainSteveRogersAmerica, EyesOfAHawk, NotASpider, HulkSmash, ThorOfAsgard, ScarletWitch, and QuickSilver to the private message.

IAmIronMan: Okay everyone, I want to introduced you to my nephew Percy, his girlfriend Annabelle, his sister Mal, and her boyfriend Ben.

Ben: Um, I'm her husband.

CaptainSteveRogersAmerica: Um, aren't you two to young to get married?

Mal: Well, he's the king of another world, sorta like Asgard, but with Disney heroes and villains. Once he married me, I became it's Queen. Percy and Annabeth were there.

Annabeth: We also go married. And my name is Annabeth, not Annabelle.

IAmIronMan: Sorry. Annabeth is such a weird name.

NotASpider: And Tony isn't?

IAmIronMan: Ha Ha Natasha.

HulkSmash: Can we just get to why we're here?

QuickSilver: I agree.

ScarletWitch: So, why are we here?

IAmIronMan: Because I would like to invite Annabelle, Ben, and Macy to come to Stark Towers this summer with Percy.

Ben: I just asked my parents, they're okay with covering for Mal and I.

IAmIronMan: Who's Mal?

Mal: I'm the one you called Macy.

Annabeth: And my name isn't Annabelle, it's AnnaBETH!

IAmIronMan: Oh, oops.

NotASpider: Why does Mal have to come? She threatened to turn Steve and me into icicles!

Ben: Wait, I'm confused. Mal, are these the people who kidnapped you and Percy?

Mal: (nods head yes) Please don't go all beast on me.

Ben: (goes into beast mode)

Mal: Oh good gods. Ben, get out of beast mode right now, or I'll say your middle name.

Ben: (goes out of beast mode)

Percy: Wait, what?

Mal: We use our middle names against each other. It's our secret weapon.

Percy: Are they really that embarrassing?

Mal: Uh huh.

Ben: Absolutely.

IAmIronMan: What just happened?

Annabeth: Family arguments. Welcome to the family Tony.

IAmIronMan: Yay! (note the sarcasm)

Annabeth: Sorry. I got caught up with this before I knew better. Sorry.

Percy: But you love us anyway.

Annabeth: Yes I do.

IAmIronMan: See you next summer.

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