The Anaconda Plan

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Ben: Ugh!

Mal: What's wrong Beasty?

Ben: The Duke of Weasletown is threatening war if I don't marry his youngest daughter, Daisy. I don't want to, but Auradon may have to attack first. The only problem is that he knows every war strategy in Auradon.

Mal: Quick question. Is hit and run included in every war strategy in Auradon catergory?

Ben: Yes.

Mal: You could try an Anaconda Plan.

Ben: What's that?

Mal: That's right, you guys don't have that history class here. Anyway, every year when I go to Camp, Percy and Annabeth would give me a rundown of their classes, I give them a rundown of my classes, while they beat the evil out of me and I would be good until I went back to the Isle after the summer.

Ben: You're still not anwsering the question.

Mal: I'm getting to it. Anyway, during the Summer of the Labyrinth, what we refer to as the year before the Titan War, Percy and Annabeth were giving me a rundown of their history classes. One of the things they taught me about the Civil War.

Ben: What does that have to do with my predicament?

Mal: Be patient. One of the things I learned about the Civil War was the North's strategy to win. Can you send me a map of Weasletown?

Ben: Sure. (Photo of Weasletown) Now explain.

Mal: Okay. West of Weasletown is the North River, which leads to The North Mountain in Arendelle. Step 1, claim the North River. That shouldn't be to hard because as Princess of Arendelle, I give you permission to side with us in the war. The river is on the Arendelle side. Step 2, blockade all ship yards and don't let any ship through. If Weasletown doesn't get food, they won't be hard to defeat. Step 3, invade Weasletown City and take over all of Weasletown.

Ben: Seems like a hard plan.

Mal: It is. But you can either do that, or defend Auradon City until you cave in and marry Daisy.

Ben: Okay, I'll try your Anaconda Plan. I'm not sure it will work though.

Mal: It worked for the North. It'll work for us, I'm sure.

Ben: I hope so. Now I have to tell the other royals. Will you come with me?

Mal: Sure. Do you know what I think.

Ben: No, what?

Mal: I think that the Duke of Weasletown should've gone to the Isle of the Lost instead of my mother and Prince Hans.

Ben: Why?

Mal: You'd have to watch the movie to understand.

Ben: What movie?

Mal: Did I say movie, stupid auto correct. I meant ask my mom.

Ben: Okay. That makes more since.

Mal: Okay, he he.

Ben: Are you nervous laughing?

Evie: Yes she is. I can hear her nervous laugh from my bed.

Cora: Same here, but from my spot on the floor.

Mal: Shut up Evie! You to Cora!

Evie and Cora: Yes mam.

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