Some words have hidden meanings...

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"I was expecting the same thing. Thank you." They were still talking when someone joined us.

He had an oval face and average height. He was a good looking man. He looked as if he just woke up and came here. His hairs was messy, reaching his shoulders.

"Adnan you are late again.." So, she knew him. He reminded her, he hates weddings and she reminded him that it's their business. After a bit argument they felt our presence and aunty told him.

You already know Zaky. It's Daneen, his wife." They both shook hands. Then he turned to me and offered a shake, which I refused. He was amused for a second and then said.

" You are really beautiful. How I wish I would have met you earlier.I'm honored to meet you Miss Daneen." He finished his statement with a wink.

What was that..

"Mrs. Daneen.." before I could react, Zaky said placing his hand on my shoulder.

His touchh.. his magic touch.. stop it Daneen you need to focus here.

He laughed mumbling "I knew it." And went to get some food for himself.

Razya aunty excused herself and apologized for his son's stupid behavior.

He withdrew his hand from my shoulder, saying "Are you enjoying all the attention, you are getting?"

"What attention."

He slowly faced me and put his hands in his pant's pockets. "Really, now you are playing innocent."

It was getting hard to control my anger since that Bee, In the end, I lost it, "Look!! I don't know what you're talking about. Either tell me clearly or don't tell me at all. Don't play games with me."

He was taken aback. He looked at me like I have grown another head, "What's it with you and your anger issues today."

"I'm just tired." I was tired. My heels were killing me, My mood was on a roller coaster and I was confused.

"We can go home. You should have told me that." He said sternly and dialed a number. "Dad, we are going home...." I didn't hear him further. I motioned my hands to stop him. And received a deadly glare. After he finished his call he said," Come, let's go."

"I'm not going anywhere."

"You said, you were tired."

"But I didn't say, I wanted to go home."

"Seriously Daneen.."


"We are leaving right now. It's an order."

"I... okay, let's go." He stayed there as if he couldn't believe what I said. Then headed out and I silently followed him.

I was walking behind him and muttering some bad words. When suddenly I stepped on something with my right foot and twisted my ankle, with a small shriek, I lost my balance and fell. He grabbed me just on time.

"Damnnn!! Are you ok?"

I composed myself and nodded. I steadied myself and placed my foot on the floor.

Aaahhhhh..!! It was hurting very badly. A tear rolled on my cheek. I wouldn't have noticed it if Zaky hadn't wiped it.

"I'm fine."

"I can see that."

"I..." he stopped me and carried me.

"What are you.."

"Not kidnapping you.."

It was a dream come true moment for me. He was carrying me bridal style. I forgot everything, even the pain was replaced by something else, a feeling I never felt before. The feeling of completeness..

He helped me in the car and put my seat belt on. I was too thrilled to say a word. So, I kept my mouth shut.

On the drive, he asked me if I was ok. And I replied, with full honesty, that I was. Which he didn't listen.

When we reached home, he helped me again. I protested, because I finally gained my senses but it was of no use. Because, apparently Zaky Shah dont listen to anyone. He carried me again to our room.

"Just wait here. don't you dare stand up." He said putting me on the bed.

He came after a bit with some meds, bend down and lifted my foot.

"What are you doing?"

"What do you think I'm doing." He raised an eye and pointed at my leg.

"No.. I mean.. I.." I was stuttering like an idiot. The things he was doing were making me crazy.

"Relax.. I'm just looking at it."

"So, you are a doctor now." I was furious, not at him, but at myself. Furious for reacting to his touch, furious for wanting this and furious for not telling him about it.

Ignoring me, He slowly took off my heels. Examined my foot very carefully, "You just have a sprained ankle. I'm putting this gel on. It will help you."

Forget about the sprain ankel... I totally forgot about it. Ya Allah what is happening to me. Is it always like this... the feelings.

I was not in a state to reply so I just nodded. He slowly started massaging and there I got hit again, with the same feeling.

Ohh no.. I need a distraction.. I can't let this happen..

And I started counting tables in my head. It was the only thing that came into my mind. And it worked. I was always bad at maths so it took all my concentration.

" ...Done.." He said something when I was on 12 times 7. I gave him a nonchalant shrugged.

"I said it's done. Leave it overnight. We will go to a doctor if you still have pain tomorrow." I only saw this side of him in the hospital, when khala was sick. Why he was showing me his concern, was disturbing me. I finally made up my mind and asked.

"Why?" Zaky was still looking at my ankle, looked up.

"What do you mean why? Normal people go to hospitals, when they have injuries."

"I mean, why did you do all of that.?" His expression changed from known to unknown. And he said, "Unlike you..." he stood up. Gave me a glass of water and said.

"I care."

So, how do you like it so far??

Is certain someone is okay with their chemistry ;)

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