Chapter fourteen

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After our little episode with the pool I took a shower again and got into my pajamas instead, too tired to change and do my make-up over again. I put my sweats on and go into Marcel's room, sneaking a T-shirt from the closet. He has a lot of normal clothes in here. I grab a grey sweater from the rack and out it on. I look down and decide too take off my pants, it fits me like a dress! Oh well. 

I walk downstairs and sit next too them on the couch. They both give me worried stares, Harry chokes on his drink and Marcel just stares at me some more. 

"What?" I touch my face, to check if I have anything on it. 

"You...Wheres your pants? Is that my sweater?" Marcel asks and tries not too look at my legs. Oh. 

"um.. well I can change if you guys want me too.." getting up off the couch I'm stopped by their shouting. 

"No! That's okay!" Harry says and his cheeks turn red. I laugh and go to the kitchen. 

"Dude!" I hear Harry yell. 


"She's hot! that's what!" 

"I can hear you!" I yell and smile too them. 

Harry coughs probably embarrassed. I just laugh and shake it off. 


Monday rolls around and I still haven't told them what happened. I will after school today, I promise myself. I grab my bag and walk downstairs, grab some toast and say goodbye too Anne. I walk towards the front door about too open it when Harry stops me. 

"You're going to school today?" 

"Yeah, of course. I can't miss school just because.." I stop myself and silently praise Marcel for coming down the steps.

"I'll drive you." he says and gives Harry a glare. 

"Fine." he sighs and moves out of the way. 

"See you in English." I yell before getting into the car. 


I sit there and listen too my English teacher ramble on and on about something I don't care about. Harry enters class late and just walks past the teacher. She doesn't say anything. I forgot Harry was the 'bad boy' of the school, he doesn't really care about anything school related. I heard that he used to sleep around, then I came too town and almost all of the boys are afraid to come up too me. I don't know why, I'm scared Harry threatened them something. I'll have too ask him about it later. He takes his usual seat next to me, but this time he moves the desk right by mine side by side. It makes a really loud screeching noise catching every ones attention. 

A few girls gasp as he sits down and grabs my thigh. I slightly move away from him, not wanting the attention. 

"What are you doing?" I whisper. 

"Did you see the way Nick was looking at you?" I whisper yells. 

"What are you talking about? Nick is with Mel." I say and jot down more notes. 

"Yeah well I didn't like the way he was staring at you." he shrugs. Half way through the lesson Harry takes a piece of my hair into his hand and starts playing with it. Everyone gasps again and I look down in embarrassment. If you can't already tell, I do not like attention. He chuckles and brings his head close too my ear, earning another round of gasps. 

"You're cute when you're embarrassed." then kisses my cheek. 

"That's enough Mr.Styles!" The teacher yells. I am beyond happy when the bell rings I rush out and go too my locker. The bell rings when I everything out of my bag drops and scatters around the hallway. I groan and sink to the floor picking up all of my notes. When a hand appears and helps me clean up the mess I am not expecting it too be Nick. 

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