Chapter Twenty Two: Night Tensions

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When Donghae arrived from the hospital, Sungmin welcomed him home.

"Sorry Donghae, I vented my frustrations at you, Its my fault, Sorry man," Sungmin hugged Donghae.

Donghae just smiled at his hyung and Sungmin smiled back. The two were once again friends and they were back to normal as if nothing happened.

"What is this?! 1 hour ago you were attacking Donghae hyung now youre hugging him?!" Ryeowook nagged at the two.

"Aissssh shut up you little shit," Shindong covered Ryeowook's small lips and laughed.

The night grew deeper and Donghae was on his bed.

He couldnt sleep because Eunhyuk opened the lights. He was writing songs for the upcoming album.

"H.....Hyung..." Donghae called Eunhyuk. "Can i turn off the lights?" he asked Eunhyuk.

"Are you blind? Im doing something and you want to turn the lights off?" Eunhyuk answered him coldy.

"Is it right answering a question with another question?" Donghae told him.

Eunhyuk did not respond because he didnt want to talk to Donghae anymore.

"Can I turn the lights off and turn your table lamp on instead?" he asked again. "I cant sleep,"

Eunhyuk turned around and looked at Donghae.

He paused for a bit and finally spoke.

"If you want to sleep," Eunhyuk smirked. "Go back to whatever cave you crawled out of, its dark there anyway" he turned his back against Donghae this time. "Dark like your future," he finished off.

"Yeah, Dark as your soul," Donghae said in revenge.

"Thanks for acknowledging that" Eunhyuk gestured an okay sign for Donghae.

Donghae just covered his eyes so he could fall asleep. Few minutes later, he was already at his dreamland.

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