"Okay, well Drew what about you? Are you dating anyone?" Chris asked.

Drew cleared his throat. "No."

"Really? Are you interested in anyone?"


"Come on, tell us." Tyler urged.

"No, it doesn't matter she's taken and I'll never have a chance with her anyway, so can you drop it?" Drew mumbled.

Hmm...I have a feeling that the girl Drew is into is Leah. Well, he could have a chance with her, especially if I had something to do with it.

Tyler, Chris and Liam muttered things like, "Sorry," and "Yeah, Let's forget it,"

"Anyway, Chris what about you? I heard you and Kaitlyn went as each others dates on that group thing the other day. I heard that she was crying her eyes out and freaked out on you or something. Is it true?" Drew said.

The guys, besides Drew, all went, "Ohh."

"Haha, okay so what happened?" Drew asked.

"Well," Chris began. "I went to use the men's room at Pete's Shack, and when I came out Kaitlyn was standing there waiting for me. Then she was like, all over me and telling me that we should go have some fun back at my place. And I said no. I mean, I know any other guy would be like 'Okay!' but, I'm not that kind of guy, know what I mean? Plus, she seemed a bit on the desperate side and I wasn't up for it."

I could hear the shock in Drew's voice. "Really?"

"Yup. And then when I rejected her, she completely flipped. She started crying and yelling at me, telling me that I was an idiot. I turned and walked away from her and she followed me, but to add to her humiliation, her shirt got attached to the door hinge of the women's bathroom which made her shirt rip. So, when we got to Jared, Tyler and Liam she looked like a mess, with makeup running down her face and her clothes messed up. I actually felt bad. When I asked if she needed a ride home or anything she freaked out on me again and stormed out of the restaurant."

Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. LIAR!

"That just...doesn't seem like Kaitlyn at all." Drew finally said.

"Well, we saw it too," Liam added. "She was on full blown drama mode."

"Yup and she was all over Chris at the table too. It was a shock to all of us. It was pretty pathetic." Tyler told him.

"Well, all I can say is that I wish I was there to see that. I mean, Kaitlyn in drama mode, must've been priceless." Drew chuckled.

The rest of the guys agreed and laughed along too.

"That's why I've been so nice to her here, though. I don't want her to flip out again or be really upset. You know?"

I couldn't believe this. Words couldn't describe how angry I felt. Now, they're getting Drew to believe their pathetic little story. I have to set them straight. I have to set them all straight soon. But, why? Why must Tyler and Liam go along with his ridiculous story?

Since, I was clearly annoyed I wanted the boy's little conversation time to be over. So, I moved around in my bed and yawned loudly.

The guys shut up instantly. Yup, that's how it's done.


Light streamed into the bedroom from the window, making the room look very bright and warm. I had almost forgotten that it was February. I sat up in bed and stretched. I looked around and was surprised to find that the boys weren't here.

Once a Cheater, Always a CheaterWhere stories live. Discover now