Chapter 20: Hospital

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One Month Later
I sit in the chair and look at Spencer. Tubes cover her body and a beeping noise of her heart is like a symphony. I get my phone out and take a picture of her then get on vine. My fans freak out when I don't update them about Spencer. After I make a vine on an update. The doctor walks in the room. I get up and tap her shoulder (A/N everyone in this world is like, 'girls can be doctors?' In my mind I am like wtf is wrong with you? Out loud I slap them, of fuckin course!!)
"Will she remember anything?" I ask.
"Yes. She will have dizzy spells a lot for a short amount of time and will feel really sick, and throw up, as a side affect of dizziness." She says and turns around checking Spencer's vitals. She then leaves the room. I walk up to her and rub circles on the back of her hand. I sigh and kiss her forehead.
"Spencer, if you  can hear me try to wake up. They are thinking of pulling the cord. I just can't live without you. Please do this for me. I love you." I say kissing the back of her hand. I get up and turn away and am about to open the door when...
"Matthew? Where are you going?" I turn around and Spencer is looking at me. I push the service button and run to Spencer, kissing her face like mad.
"I love you too by the way." She says whilst hugging me.
"You heard me?"
"Yeah, of course."
"Oh my god I am so happy."
The nurse walks in and her eyes widen.
"The results told us that she was never going to wake up." She whispers to herself.
"Well here I am, awake and alive." Spencer says gesturing to her body. The nurse nods and leaves.
"So how are you Matt?"
"Good I guess, you?"
"Well I just got out of a coma, so good-ish?"
"I love you Spencer Ann Reeds."
"I love you too Matthew Lee Espinosa."
The doctor walks in and checks on her vitals again. She nods.
"She is really healthy considering she just got out of a coma. She can be let out in an hour or two but make sure to feed her-" She turns to Spencer and continues,"-your parents have been contacted, you are going on a flight in 5 hours for Magcon so pack. Same with your boyfriend."

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