Chapter 8: Matt?

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I slam the door behind me and rush to my room. As soon as I close the door I start to cry. My eyes get all puffy and red.
After I stop crying I grab the rental keys and walk out the hotel. When Spencer came in the room to get clothes and her shower bag I was in the suitcase that she was going to bring back, full of stuff from her adventure. I was putting something in there that I bought from the airport. It was a cup that said Georgia in all caps and I stuck a note on it with the words this drink is on me. This time I was going to get her something special. I drive to a jewelry store and step inside. I look until I find the perfect necklace. It has a silver chain with a tear drop shaped pendent diamonds on the outside, shaped in tiny squares, with a lavender colored gem in the shape of a teardrop as well in the center.
I point to the necklace and the lady boxes it up.
"You love this person don't you?" She asks sliding the black satin covered box.
"Yes, I do. I love her so much that if I was away from her...." A tear falls from my eye and she nods knowingly.
"This is on the house. It is clear that you love her very much." She says placing it in my hands and shooing me away. I oblige and leave the store. As soon as I get in the car I write on a piece of paper that should be me buying you gifts and place it in the box.
Once I get into her room I place the box in the suitcase and get in bed. What did I do to not deserve her? I ask myself my face scrunching up and a tear falling. I slowly cry myself to sleep letting go.

For the hours after Matt left we had fun. We played games and messed around. Carter gave me a blue teddy bear to put in the suitcase to bring back full of awesome stuff. After 2 hours I told everyone that I wanted to go lie down in my room and I left. When I opened the door Matt was asleep, tears on his face, and he was murmuring something. I got closer and listened to what he was saying.
"Why did you do that? I love you! Don't leave." He mumbles. I shrug and walk to my suitcase to put the bear away. When I open it there are two things in there that I didn't put in. I smile and pick up a glass that says Georgia and a note is inside that says this drink is on me - Mattypoo
I then picked up a tiny satin box and opened it. When I opened it a note fell out with the words that should be me buying you gifts - Matthew then I got a good look at what was in the box. It was the most beautiful necklace I have ever seen. My eyes brimmed with tears and I let out a sob. What have I done?
"Spencer? Is that you?" He asks looking around.
"Matt? Yeah, it's me." I say my voice wavering. I close the box and shove it back in the suitcase with the glass and the bear.
"You okay?" He questions.
"Yeah yeah, I'm fine." I say wiping my tears and standing up.
"I'm sorry, I didn't know." I whisper.
"Didn't know what?" He asks.
"That you had feelings for m-me" I stutter, starting to cry. His face softens and he hugs me.
"It's okay, you can date him." He says into my neck.
"Thank you Matt." I say pulling away.

Hello! So I know I have updated and have shouted out random people, not people that have commented, because nobody has! Don't be a silent reader! Comment the dang song if you it! You know I love you guys but, I won't post another chapter until someone comments. Tell people about this story! We need more attention on it! Tell friends, family, everyone! Let's spread the word! So anyway
Song of the day:
Band aids don't fix bullet holes, you say sorry just for show.....

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