Chapter 4: Meeting The Loser

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I wake up yawning, shutting off my alarm. I look at my bed, and then where I am sitting.
"Maybe I fell asleep on my beanbag?" I say standing up. I quickly pull on my outfit and brush out my hair. I then run to the bathroom and do my hair and makeup. I quickly tousle my loose curls and apply my lipgloss before grabbing my makeup and hair stuff. I speed to my room and shove it in my suitcase. I then grab my wallet and put it in my carry on along with my lipgloss. I squeal with excitement. I sling my carry on over my shoulder and grab my suitcase and tickets. I give my mom a quick kiss and hug and run out to meet my friend.
"Avery, thank you so much." I say jumping in.
"No problem!" She says, winking. I roll my eyes. The rest of the car ride is silent. When we get to the airport she hugs me and speeds off. I go through luggage check and security, safe and sound. I grab a pack of gum and slide to the counter. Paying and thanking quickly. I run to my gate just as they call everyone up. I get my ticket scanned and I rush into the plane. I watch a movie as I slowly drift of to sleep.
I wake up with a flight attendant shaking me,
"M'am can you please put your electronics away we are about to land." I nod and quickly shove them in my bag. I watch out the window as the plane lands. I shuffle off the plane and freeze in my tracks. The whole magcon crew is standing there, waiting for me, Matt in front. He runs up to me hugging me and spinning me around.
"Long time no see Spencer!" He yells, hugging me harder.
"I can't breathe!" I choke out, all the other boys laughing. He lets go and looks at me, he smiles and grabs my hand. He pulls me through the airport and to the limo waiting for us.
"How was the flight?" Jack G asks, throwing a wink in my direction.
"Tiring." I say steeling a glance at Matt, he is scowling at Jack G.
"You okay?" I whisper. His face softens and he nods. He squeezes my hand reassuringly.
"Is my mafew in wove?" Carter says chuckling. He rolls his eyes,
"No Carter, I am not love." He says. Okay that stung, I pull my hand out of his and stare at my lap.
"So, pretty lady, can I have your number?" Carter asks, grabbing my hand and kissing the back, making me shiver.
"Yes" I say he hands me his phone and I type my number in and putting my contact name as, pretty lady. All of a sudden my phone buzzes.
Carter the cuz: Really?
Pretty lady: Yup. Your contact name is Carter the cuz...
Carter the cuz: Wow.
I click off my phone and drift to sleep my head resting against Matt's shoulder, with him stroking my hair.
She falls asleep as I stroke her hair and when she falls asleep I kiss the top of her head.
When we finally make it to the hotel, I start to shake Spencer.
"Get up Spencer!" I whisper yell in her ear. She reaches up and smacks the side of my head.
"Hey! Owwwww...." I say frowning and her eyes open. She starts to laugh,
"Oh my god I am so sorry!" She says stifling a laugh.
"It's fine..." I say laughing with her.
"Carry me?" She says holding her arms up to me.
"Sure. Carter will get your bags. Won't you Carter?!" I yell. I then pick her up bridle style, her arms around my neck, snuggling herself in the crook of my neck. She falls asleep once again and I kiss her temple.
We reach the floor. The manager told us everyone has to pair up. So it's: Carter and Nash, Brent and Cameron, Jack and Jack, Shawn and Mahogany (only ones with two twin beds), Me and Spencer. I get to our room and carefully slip through the door and lay Spencer on the bed. Her eyes flutter open. She gets up and does a victory dance. Huh? I am completely confused until I realized what she did: she pretended to fall asleep so I wouldn't set her down.
"What the hell Spencer?!" I scream and run towards her, picking her up and slinging her over my shoulder. She laughs and pounds my back until I put her down.

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