Chapter 3: Everything Goes

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I quickly pack my bag. But I do take the time to look at every article of clothing. I grab my phone and text my mom.
Spencer: How much should I pack? And how long am I staying?
Meh Mom: A lot. The boys might bring you along to the next few magcons Matt has money that I sent him so whenever you want to come back you can. But you will be back by the end of the summer. Most likely.
I pack crop tops, high waisted everything, normal waisted everything, muscle shirts, bandeaus, everything. I mean everything. Except one outfit. A light blue crop top, high waisted black skirt, flower crown, and Taylor Swift keds. I decided that in the morning I would pack my makeup and hair care in the morning after I was done getting ready. I pack my carry on with hair ties and bobby pins, then I shove in two books and my IPad and MacBook Air.
"Spencer! Food!" My mom yells.
"Coming!" I say grabbing my phone and running downstairs.
"Can I eat in my room? I have a lot to do." I ask. She nods and shoos me upstairs. I grab my plate and eat in my room. Then I run back downstairs and grab another cinnamon roll. I bite into it, the flaky bread instantly melting, with the cinnamon swirling in, I moan.
"Jeez, if you love them so much, pack them in a tupperware container for the plane, all 20 are willing, and you can give the other 10 to the boys. So pack the thirty and leave them on the counter for tomorrow." She says.
"Thirty?! Did you plan for this?!"
I ask.
"Yup!" She says, "Now pack the cinnamon rolls and go back upstairs."
"Okay, mother." I grudgingly abide and grab the biggest tupperware containers and pack them one by one, my mouth watering. I run upstairs and finish my packing. At 10:57 I set my alarm while in my beanbag chair. After my timer is set I drift off to sleep.

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