Chapter 7: Are You In Love?!

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I wake up, groggily rubbing my eyes. I turn on my other side meeting a sleeping Spencer. How cute. Oh my god I love her so much, her eyes, her hair, her personality, her everything. I quietly get out of bed and start to brew some coffee. Spencer starts to stir and her eyes flutter open. Her bright green eyes shift around the room, finally focusing on me and I give her a light smile. Which she returns, lifting the covers and jumping out of bed. My eyes quickly scan over her, she is wearing short running shorts and an oversized sweater. I turn back to the coffee machine,
"Morning ugly. Looking crazy as always." I say coolly.
"Mornin idiot, give me coffee before I chop your hands off." She says crossing her arms. I frown,
"Do you want me to get some food from the cafe across the street?" I ask.
"No, I am good, I brought some amazing cinnamon rolls that my mom made, care for one?" She says plucking a paper bag off the ground.
"Sure." I reply. She pulls a container out, pops the lid off and places it in the microwave for a minute.
"I promised mom that I would give some to you, the boys, and Mahogany." She explains, as if she knew exactly what I was thinking. When it finishes, she puts two on different plates and hands one to me and puts the other on the bedside post for herself. She then grabs a stack of paper plates and whisks open the door, closing it behind her.

I close the door and rush off to Carters room, me and him have seemed to click as besties. I knock really loud on the door. No answer.
"I have food!" I yell through the door. I all of a sudden hear a ruckus of people rushing to the door. The door opens and everyone is standing there except Matt. I hand out cinnamon rolls to everyone then Jack G steps out to grab the container of them and the plates and sets them on the counter before stepping out of the room.
"Hey. I want to talk to you." He says flashing me a gorgeous smile.
"Of course, but let's go somewhere else." I say.
"There is a cafe across the street?" He says. I nod and we slip away to the cafe. Once we are safe in a booth with our drinks he starts to talk,
"So I was thinking, I kinda like you." He says blushing. I smile,
"Kind of?" I say, brows furrowing.
"I do like you." He confirms, "A lot. I was wondering, if you would go out with me, you know be my girlfriend?" He says his face turning bright red.
"Of course!" I screech. His eyes widen,
"Really?!" He says with complete shock. I nod enthusiastically. His smile widens and he fist pumps. I giggle, knowing that I am the cause of it.
An hour later of talking we walk out of the cafe holding hands. When we get back to the hotel, I stand on my tiptoes and kiss him, him grabbing my hips and kissing me back. When we finally pull back we are breathing hard. Well then. I grab his hand and walk to the elevator.
When we get to our floor we race to Carters room. When we finally reach the door I stop Jack from knocking.
"Should we tell them?" I ask.
"Yes, they are our friends." He days grabbing my hand and knocking on the door. Carter opens the door and sees our hands and immediately starts yelling about it.
"OH MY GOD ARE YOU IN LOVE BESTIE?!" He yells. I blush,
"YOU TOTALLY ARE!" He yells, "EVERYONE SPENCER AND JACKY ARE DATING!" He announces pointing to us and we walk in. Everyone starts to congratulate us, except Matt. He walks past me whispering in my ear,
"I got to go."

This chapters shoutout goes to:
Song of the day:
You know I try but I don't do to well with apologies. Can we both say the words and forget this. You know I have made those mistakes maybe once or twice, and by once or twice I mean maybe a couple of hundred times....

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