"pfftt. Okay and you're not an obnoxious winner?" Zayn retorted.

I looked around the room and suddenly felt very claustrophobic, I left my seat when the three of them looked at me. I gave the best relaxed expression I could muster, "I'm just gonna get some air real quick."

Laurel began to rise, "Do you want me to come?"

I shook my head, "No I'm fine, promise."

They began talking again and that's when I stepped outside, suddenly I was embraced in the thick warm air of late spring. It was only a few short weeks till summer... and I wasn't quite sure if I was ready.

I hadn't told Carter or Laurel about what happened to me, I wasn't quite ready, didn't know how to incorporate the fact that I had been kidnapped for a whole six months and now suffer from anxiety and depression on a daily basis into a conversation. Quite frankly I wasn't sure if they ever needed to know that.

I believe Laurel can sense my trauma, she just doesn't know why I have to isolate myself the way I do sometimes, and I'm so incredibly thankful she doesn't ask. Zayn has been kind enough to honor my wishes and not tell them. I sat down in a chair at one of the outside tables.  My fingers drummed against the edge, I ended up pulling my fedora a little farther down my head, gosh was it windy.

I took this time to people watch, all of them passing by me swiftly, busy with their own problems, own issues, usually it calmed me down. My eyes stopped as they found a couple not much younger than me, about to board a bus. There was hope in their eyes and so much love. He held her against him as he said something into her ears.  She pulled back giving him a long kiss. Except they both didn't board the bus, only the girl. She sat at the window waving to him, she pressed her hand on the window and he reached to touch it, and he started running after the bus but he couldn't keep up...and then he was left alone and I thought it was the saddest thing ever.

He didn't want to leave her, maybe she too- was going on her fall break. I hoped it was a quick trip, and that she would return immediately because his expression was unbearable. I was jealous of their love, I was jealous of anyone in love, anyone who knew the feeling.

Just then Laurel came out and sat next to me, "What's up maisy daisy?"

I let out a sigh, "Um, don't know. I got real sad all the sudden I guess."

"Don't be, you get sad a lot. I just want to let you know if you want to tell me anything ever you know I'm here for you." she said grabbing my hand.

"Its very involved, but to keep it short and sweet... I feel lonely, empty."

She pouted, "lonely? As in companionship, you are such a great catch. Any guy would be lucky to have you. Don't rush it, there's someone perfect for you out there. Besides you never go out anyway I'm sure that's why you haven't found someone."

"Well I mean I did have someone who made me feel really special, I cared for him a lot, to be honest I never thought I would ever experience the things I did, but he made that possible, he changed my life."

Her eyes lit up, "Really, that's great what's his name?"

"It doesn't matter," I said shaking my head, "it didn't workout."

"Oh that guy," she said giving me a pout. "I'm sorry it didn't work out with him. He sounds like a jerk. Was there anybody else?"

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