Trente et une ~ someone wants to see you

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Meow 2

I wake up with Dan's limbs tangled with mine and we were both naked. I blush remembering the night before and suddenly feel very exposed and slightly embarrassed. I detach myself in attempt to put on some boxers but Dan grips my hand and pulls me back into his arms.

"Where were you going?" He whispers in my ear. I giggle and turn around to peck his lips.

"I'm just, feeling a little exposed," I say and position myself so he can't see my manhood very well. I blush and he giggles wrapping his arms tighter around me.

"I happen to love this outfit on you," Dan says looking down my body. I blush and squirm slightly.

"Well of course /you/ do," I say rolling my eyes slightly. "You're my boyfriend, that's sort of a given," he smiles and blushes. "But really, I do kind of want to get dressed and get breakfast." He pouts slightly.

"But it's cozy in here," he whines and I giggle.

"We'll stay just a few more minutes," I say and snuggle closer to him who sighs in content.


"I will never get tired of these pancakes!" Dan says taking a mouthful of food while we sit at a table in the hotel lobby.

"What if you had to eat the every single day?" I say giggling and take a bite of my waffles. He chuckles too

"We'll, maybe /then/ I would get sick of it, but don't kill my vibe!" I giggle and sit in silence for a second to see office Little and Al sitting next to us at the table.

"Morning," Al mumbles. I think he's pissed that we caught Kaydee and Chris and he didn't. Plus we didn't obey orders which kind of ruins our friendship chances.

"Morning," Dan and I say back.

"So, we're all leaving today around four, do you guys know when we should schedule a flight?" Officer Little asks us and I look at Dan.

"Is Sunday okay?" I ask and he nods. "I mean it gives us about a week of fun,"

"Yeah we'll stay until Sunday ," Dan says and Al and officer Little laugh at us. I look over at Dan who looks just as confused as I do. "What?" He asks.

"Had a little fun last night did you?" Al says and I turn bright red. I forgot about the hickeys we had. I look at Dan and realize they were just as visible. Al and Little burst out laughing.

"Hush," I say quietly and place my hand over the mark. I look over at Dan who was looking down to avoid eye contact.

"I told you it would be noticeable," Dan whispers and I chuckle slightly.

"And you remember what I said to that now don't you," I say and he grins a little. We're all quiet and eat in silence for a minute. "Where are we going today Dan?" I ask him and he shrugs. "Oh come on, you have to have some where in mind!"

"Have you guys been to park down the street from here?" Officer little asks us and we shake our heads. "If you leave the hotel and take a right, just walk down about sixish blocks and you'll see a nice park. I drove past it couple times." I look over at Dan who's grinning.

"Yes! Yes! Let go there!" He squeals like a little kid. I giggle and nod.

"I guess we'll go there," I say and stand up to throw away my garbage.


"People keep giving us weird looks Dan," I say to Dan who was pushing me on a swing. "Dan, okay, that's enough, we could not look gayer right now," I drag my feet on the ground stopping myself. He walks around to the front of me and places his hands in his hips.

Killer (phan) (completed with a sequel out now ^.^)Where stories live. Discover now