"Sorry to interrupt but they need to get Anna up to surgery now. Her thrashing around by trying to go after you Harry caused more bleeding. They want to stop it before it gets worse." Perrie said.

"Can we see her before she goes in? " I asked.

"No, they already took her to get prepped. They let Zayn go with her though. I would have gone but I didn't trust myself to stay strong for her. " Perrie said shyly.

"Don't blame you. We would have been the same way." Niall said.

"Yeah! At least Zayn is with her. He will keep her calm with his stupidity " I chuckled. Zayn always knew how to calm someone down by acting really stupid.

"Yeah. Well I'm going to go sit in the waiting room." Perrie said.

"We will be there in a few." I said. She nodded and walked out of our sight.

"I shouldn't have run off like that." Harry said feeling guilty.

"We would have done the same thing." Eleanor smiled.

"I'm just going to call my mum. You guys can go inside. I swear I wont tweet or anything." Harry said.

"Alright. We love you mate." Niall said giving Harry a hug. I nodded and handed him his phone back. He dialed his mum’s number as the rest of us walked back inside.

"How are you holding up? " El asked me.

"I'm barely holding up, but I need to stay strong for both Anna and Harry." I said matter of factly.

"He still loves her deeply ya know." Liam said before El could reply.

"He is so broken and doesn't know what to do or how to handle this. If it wasn't for Emily he would probably admit his love for Anna even though he would get rejected." Liam said.

"You think she will still reject him? She was calling after him and told him what happened." Eleanor asked.

"Yeah he broke her heart and threw her away like rubbish. She wont take him back for a long while if ever." Liam said. I hate to admit it but I wish Harry and Anna will get back together. I'd never seen my sister so happy as she was when they were dating. I wish I could have seen that before doing and saying stuff I shouldn't have.

"They will both figure out that they belong together." Perrie said. We all nodes in agreement. If they are meant to be together then they will be together one day.

"Zayn how was she? Is she in surgery now?" Perrie asked. We all nodded for him to answer her.

"She was upset. She didn't know why Harry ran out. She blames herself for not trying to tell him as soon as she found out she was pregnant. It then sunk in that she had to have surgery now, so she started to panic. I calmed her down the best I could as the prepped her. She cried as they put the gas mask on her to put her to sleep. I held her hand until she fell asleep." Zayn said. He looked exhausted.

"Thanks mate. I really owe you one." I said getting up and hugging him.

"You know I would do anything for Anna. Even when I'm mad at her." He smiled as we pulled away from each other.

"How’s Haz?" Zayn asked as he took a seat next to Perrie.

"Not to good. For multiple reasons." I said. Zayn nodded for me to continue, so I did.

Harry's POV

"Mum I realized today that I still love her." I said into the phone. I've been talking to my mum for a bit now. I told her everything that happened today. My family might not be Anna fans anymore since the 'cheating scandal' but they are always there to listen to me vent.

Twisted Truth (Sequel to "Twisted Words And Twisted Lies") [Harry Styles Fanfic]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt