Little Game - BENNY

449 16 13

Mark is female... Sorry.
There are two types of genders.

Male and Female.

If they changed, they would be taken care of.

Two places.

One with boys.

One with girls.

One blue.

One pink.

One work outs and robots.

One make up and ballet.

Where we start is where everything is blue.

There are three boys.

The one with the ball is called, Anthony.

The one with gloves is, Wade.

The one on the floor is, Jack.

They just sat there.

'Play us like pawns and relentlessly confine,
Into living up to gender roles and having absent minds
Don't you think it's funny how they tell us how to live?
Don't you think it's funny how we're all delinquent kids?
Like, hush now, don't say, don't say'

Jack, looked around at his blue toy robots and action figures.

His eyes caught sight of something.

Something pink.

Something girly.

He went to pick it up.

A... Pink... Doll.

'Hush boy, oh hush boy, don't say a word
Throw on a jersey and no one gets hurt'

Their heads automatically moved to him.

They turned against him as he fell back to the other way.

They started to corner him almost robotically as he backed away in shock and fear.

'Hush girl, oh hush girl, just bat your eyes
Play our little game, play our little game'

Now we go to a place where everything is pink.

Three girls.

The one in the ballet outfit is called, Ian.

The one at the table with a pink fork is, Bob.

The one putting on Make up, is Mark.

'Bounded all thoughts and corrected common sense'

Ian looked at her waist and got a measuring tape.

She put it around her waist.

She tightened it, gasping.

'You're raising suicidals with your predetermined titles
Like "a mess, distressed, I am unimpressed, you're excess
A dress is all you'll ever be."'

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