The student with pink hair (part 1)

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Credit goes to @TrappedSoul

Jack sat in history bored, he never liked this lesson or any lessons really.

People didn't like him.

He had piercings and green hair.

He was a punk you could say.

"Alright and this going to be a project to do in pairs of TWO no more no less." Said Mr Hason.

Everyone scrambled to get to partners while Jack sat alone.

The door opened.

Everyone turned to look as a boy with pink hair walked in.

He had a black shirt on with a pixel M on it jeans and black converse.

"Um, are you Mr Hason?" Asked the boy.

"Yes and you must be Mark Fischbach." Said the teacher.

"Yes" said the boy.

"Your seat is next to mcloughlin at the back mcloughlin you now have a partner." Said the teacher.

Mark walked to his seat and smiled at Jack.

People whispered about the new student about his hair and shirt anything really!


Jack sat alone eating a muffin.

"Hey!" Said a boy overly happy.

"Hi Mark." Said Jack.

"I never got your name." Said Mark.

"It's Sean but call me Jack" replied the green haired boy.

"I like your hair." Said Mark.

Jack smiled "thanks i like your hair." He replied.

"So uh, you wanna hang out?" Asked Mark.

Jack sighed then smiled "sure"

Next lesson-

They walked to there next lesson which was English which was lucky to be in the same class.

"Hey look the rumours are true! There's a pink haired gay guy going here looks like Jackaboy had boyfriend now!" Said a boy.

"Lasercorn! Look! Just knock it off!" Shouted Jack in anger.

"Make us!" Said lasercorn.

"Lasercorn, maybe we should leave them?" Said another.

"Anthony! What are you saying?" Asked 'Lasercorn ' raising a fist after grabbing the guys shirt.

'Anthony' looked scared beneath 'Lasercorn' another guy with a bowl hair cut stepped in between them.

"Guys calm down" he said.

"Alright Ian." Replied Lasercorn letting Anthony go.

'Ian' looked relieved.

" Look well let you go today but beware we'll be back!" Said Lasercorn and walked off.

Ian and Anthony looked at each other the to Jack and Mark apologetically and walked off to get up to Lasercorn hand in hand.

Mark looked at Jack.

"Who was that?" Asked Mark.

"Bullies, Lasercorn, Ian, Anthony they bully Gays and Bi's" said Jack.

"But the bowl haired and emo flap one was holding hands." Said Mark

"Ian and Anthony? Yeah they're in a secret relationship." Replied Jack

"So your Gay or Bi?" Asked Mark.

"Bi. What about you?" Asked Jack.

"Hehe Gay." Replied Mark.

"You want to come to mine tomorrow night?" Asked Jack.

"Sure!" Said Mark smiling.

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