The student with pink hair (Part 2)

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Credit goes to @TrappedSoul

The next day-

Jack sat in class waiting for Mark.

The whole class was chatting about something which happened at a part that Lasercorn threw.

Jack sat there waiting.

When Mark walked in the room he went and sat next to Jack.

"Hey Jack!"  He happily

"Hi Mark!" Said Jack.


Went the bell.

The class fell silent and sat down.

The teacher went threw the register.






"He's in! But is in the men's room sir!" Said Anthony

Sir nodded and said while walking out.

"I'll get him."

The next few minutes Lasercorn Wales in with sir behind him.

"And now we are here what was you doing in the bathroom?" He asked.

Lasercorn looked at him and said.

"Um, ou woodn't beyeve me if m tied"
he said.
(Translation: um you wouldn't believe me if I tried)

The class laugh while sir said in panic.

"I'll get the school nurse" and ran off.

"Dude what happened to you?" Asked Anthony through giggles:

"Impul! Spit ongue!." He said in worry a obviously not wanting it "I wus drunk!"
(Translation: Simple! Split tongue!" " I was drunk!")

"Split tongue?!" Shout ian and laughed.

"Ow ong unil is ealed?" He asked (translation: how long until it's healed?)

Mark looked surprised he didn't know and Jack was laughing his ass off.

"Did you do it yourself or a doctor?" He asked.

"Mielf!" Said Lasercorn.

"Tongue splitting takes about as long to heal as tongue piercing does. Primary healing (where you can talk and eat relatively normally) takes between one and two weeks, and full healing is usually complete within one month.
Regrowth is quite common. Some re-growth (where the tongue slowly heals back together) is normal, and in the case of short (1/2" or less) splits, total closure is not unheard of. Even in deeper splits, if care is not taken to combat re-growth, 50% closure is not uncommon, but this can be prevented by keeping the wound open. The smooth body of a cotton swab can prove useful for this task. It should be done regularly as the body heals incredibly fast. In addition to the regrowth that will occur during the initial healing, there will be some closure over the first year or so. Short of re-cutting, there's not a lot that can be done to stop that.
Many people have found that a well-healed large-gauge (4ga - 0ga usually) tongue piercing can act as an anchor for the split. Because the piercing is surrounded by solid tissue that does not, by nature, want to seal itself, if this tongue piercing marks the rear of the tongue split, closure may be all but eliminated. And there's a few problem about doing it yourself health problems.
Initial bleeding and infection can be a risk, especially with home-jobs. In a worst-case situation, the tongue can swell and block the airway, although this has not been documented. As far as long-term risk, there may be minor changes in some speech sounds, but this rarely happens, and effects are extremely minor at most. Tongue splitting does not appear to have any side effects with regards to eating." Said Mark in a letter of fact tone.

Everyone stared at him.

"And how do you know this?" Asked Anthony.

Mark grinned and stuck his tongue out doing a cool trick. (Pic at top)

Everyone gasped.

"I have a split tongue!"

Jack was in shock.

"You have a split tongue?!" He said in shock.


"God that makes you hot." Mumbled Jack.


"Nothing!" 'WTH!? I just said that?!'

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