Think about...

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"Hello everybody! My name is Markiplier and welcome back to the Whisper Challenge with Wade, Matthias and Jack! I have played this like four times already, if you don't know the rules by now, then..." Mark stopped talking putting a finger to his lips.

Jack laughed, "be careful what you say! You just know the comment section is gonna explode!"

"And I'm not finishing that line!" Mark smiled, stupidly. "Say hi! Don't be rude!"

"Hi! Don't be rude!" Wade repeated from behind him.

"Shut up Wade." Mark said.

"Top of the Mornin' to ya!" Jack waved happily, next to Mark.

"Hey guys!!!" Shouted a happy Matthias from behind Jack.


Marks face dropped "uh-oh."

The men laughed as Matthias sprung into action.

The camera cut.

"Sorry about that! As some of you know, my lovely wife Amanda has given birth to our beautiful baby girl! Luna!" Matthias said, smiling now back in front of the camera.

"So the rules of the game are simple." Mark smiled, "the guys have music blasting in there ears and I will whisper to Jack, something you guys tweeted to the hashtag... I actually don't know what the hashtag is! I just know you guys need help!"

Wade laughed, "the hashtag was, #SeptiplierAway."

"Oh, fuck you!" Jack yelled.

"Yes we're in Matthias's house!" Mark yelled.

"Alright let's go!" Matthias shouted.

The camera cut again.

Mark turned to face Jack, just to see him doing a weird dance.

The red head shook his boyfriend.

"Huh? Oh sorry!" He said looking at Mark.

"All my friends are heathens, take it slow." Mark read.

"What?!?! That's a fuckin' paragraph!!!"

"All my friends are heathens, take it slow." He reread.

Jack nodded and they rotated so now Mathias was the one being whispered to by Jack.

"All my trends are Ethane's, take a sloth." Jack whispered.

Mark tried not to giggle at the ridiculous sentence as Matthias made a shocked 'woah' face.



And that's how it was for the next hour or so, just laughs and giggles with a few interruptions from Luna, but honestly they didn't care, because she's adorable.

"So that was the whisper challenge! It was weird, wacky and Wade stop doing that!" Mark said, looking at the tallest male.

Wade was snuggled up to Mark, holding him.

Jack was watching and felt a bit of anger rush through him.

Mark shoved him off, "I hope you enjoyed the video! Thanks to Jack, Wade and Matthias for-"

Septiplier One-Shots (BoyXBoy)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ