Chapter 39; Glenn Rhee

Start from the beginning

"No," Lori quickly shook her head. "I was just wondering if she was going to help clear out more of the prison tomorrow with Rick and you guys. I had a favor to ask."

I frowned. What did Lori think she was? The girl has exhausted herself day and night, most times on the expense to just make Lori more comfortable with her pregnancy coming around. Claire was not just going to be the person Lori could run to when she needed something. It puts her life in danger too many times.

"What did you need?" I asked.

Lori leaned back to peek around cautiously. She stepped closer to me, whispering slightly. "I've started getting morning sickness when I've long since passed that stage," She whispered. "Claire knows about it and I was just wondering if she could find me something while you guys cleared more area tomorrow."

I clenched my jaw, taking a few calming breathes as to not sound mean. "I'm sorry Lori, but I'd appreciate if you stopped using Claire to find things for you."

"Oh, I'm sorry I don't mean-"

"I know, but she puts her life in danger a lot on those little missions you send her on," I interrupted. "If she does go out with us tomorrow, I'd rather her focus on staying alive and not doing something stupid just to help with a little vomit you have."

I stared at Lori with a sympathetic look; knowing she probably felt a bit bad. I know she was already feeling like her pregnancy was a burden to a lot of people and I guess telling her that didn't really help her situation. It's just, I don't want to turn my back one day and Claire is off somewhere I don't know to look for things. She could seriously get hurt, lost, or even bit and that would destroy me. I can't lose her. Not again. 

"Sorry," I apologized again as Lori looked down nodding.

"I get it," She mumbled. I watched sympathetically as she moved her hand out in front of her, just noticing the baby wipes she had in her hand. I raised an eyebrow in question, looking down at the baby wipes. "I figured you and Claire might have wanted to get some of that blood off you two." She explained. "Claire found a lot of them a while back, I have nothing to thank her for it but these."

"Thanks," I told her. 

I lifted the small thing of baby wipes in my hand, eyeing them. Claire has really helped Lori out as much as she could. One more time shouldn't really hurt anyone right? Claire knows how to handle herself and the only one Lori really had to count on was Claire. 

"Hey Lori," I called out as she turned and began to walk out the door -stopping once I called her name. "I'll tell her. Just this one time."

Lori nodded, her shoulders seeming to loosen up as her back faced me. "Thank you Glenn, thank Claire for me too."

I nodded, staring as she walked out. I grabbed the rest of Claire's and I's things, my hands being full. I carefully treaded out of the cell and towards the stairs. I groaned as I gazed at the stairs; I know I'm going to drop things and have to come back for. 

"I can help."

I turned with a thankful smile towards Beth who grabbed Claire's backpack, the blanket I had, and the half empty box of stale goldfish. Beth smiled back, waiting for me to start up the stairs before following after me. She hummed a tune behind me, reminding of when her and Maggie sang the parting glass last night. It was a nice song. Calming actually.

"What tune is that?" I asked, turning to look back at her for a second.

She shrugged, catching up once we were off the stairs to walk besides me. "I heard it one day in school, never got around to asking anyone what it was called back then."

I nodded, a solemn look replacing Beth's happy face. Poor girl lost all her friends. We all have, but it took Beth a long while to realize that the walkers weren't people anymore. They kill so we kill them. That's the only thing to do now. There's no way of bringing anyone back.

We walked into the cell where Claire was sleeping, Beth setting the things she had down on the top bunk. "Thanks," I whispered.

Beth smiled in return, turning on the heels of her cowgirl boots and leaving the cell. Making little noise, I sat the rest of our stuff down at the foot of the bunk beds and made my way back over to squat in front of Claire. 

Her hair was back in her face, the small puffs of air coming out her parted lips blowing the ends up over and over again. I chuckled softly, opening the pack of baby wipes. Brushing her hair back out of her face, my hand with a baby wipe in it hovering close to her cheek; I didn't want her to wake up, but I wanted to clean her up as much and check her for scratches. 

I bit the inside of my cheek as I gently wiped the baby wipe over the dry blood on her cheek, holding my breathe as I watched her for any movements. Sighing I rubbed the rest of the blood off of her face. No way she was going to wake up, she was really exhausted.

I smiled, leaning down and ghosting my lips over hers. "You did good today," I whispered. Softly I pressed my lips to hers, my eyes fluttering shut from the feeling. My stomach did flips -something that always happened when we shared kisses, big or small, even when we shared hugs. This is what only she could do to me. I pulled away, a grin on my face. "I'm proud of you." I added quietly.

I was proud of her. She doesn't get a lot of praise for things she does and she does a lot. I know everyone should get praise, but I think she's one of those people in this world that needs the recognition. She needs to know her help means something.

"What are you thinking about?" A voice croaked out tiredly. My eyes flickered to Claire, widening a bit as she looked towards me with a lazy smile. "You've been sitting there like that since you kissed me."

I coughed awkwardly, standing up and tossing the dirty baby wipe into the dirty sink. Why did she wake up now? Now how am I supposed to act? I turned around slowly, rubbing the back of my neck -avoiding eye contact with her. 

She laughed lightly. "You act as if we've never kissed before," She said laughing. "You turning shy on me now?"

I shook my head, looking at her with a pointed look. Clearing my throat, I took a seat besides her on the bottom bunk as she sat up. I leaned over, moving her hair over to her other shoulder as I grabbed another baby wipe and wiped down her shoulder and her back that was exposed in her tank top.

"What are you doing?" She asked quietly.

I smiled, watching as goosebumps rose on her arm. "Cleaning you up."

She turned her head to look at me, confusing clouding her features, but I could still see the reddening of her cheeks that was beginning to show up. "I can do that myself."

"I know, but I'm also checking you for scratches," I clarified. "You fell earlier."

She gave me a small smile, rolling her eyes. "You my doc now?"

"I'll be anything you need."

I paused, cracking her a confident smile. Once again she rolled her tired blue eyes, leaning over and pecking my cheek. "I know you would."

I smiled, pulling her into my arms and kissing the top of her head. I could stay like this forever. Her in my arms. Her arms wrapped around me. Safe together for the time being. It's been a while since it was just us two somewhere, and this cell, no matter how small it was, gave us just that. I just want this moment to last forever even if I know it can't. 

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