Chapter 24

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I FINALLY fell asleep at midnight, and the boys, except for the over-exhausted Zayn, stayed up with me. So, by eight o' clock, everyone was dead tired.

"MERRY CHRISTMAS!" Lou cried, while throwing a pillow at Niall.

"Uhhhhh." he yawned.

"It's present time!"

"Does this involve food?"

"Will you get up if it involves pancakes?"

"I'm up!" Niall said, throwing the sheets off. The boys got ready, and came into Liam's room to check on me.

They slowly opened the door.

"Guys" Liam said softly. "PLEASE watch her. I stayed up all night because she kept waking up. She finally found some peace, and went to sleep, but PLEASE, just sit with her while I get some slee-"

I slowly opened my tear-stained eyes.

"Morning, princess." Said Niall. "How are you?"

"I-I-I" I can't talk very well when I wake up.

"I don't want to work today." I muttered.

"That's alright," Said Niall. "because today is Christmas!"

I sat up. "It is?"

Lou nodded. "Yup, and we have presents!"

I slowly got out of bed.

"Let's get the other two, and meet in Niall's room." Said Louis. "Alright, Liam?"

I didn't hear a response. The three of us turned around to spot Liam snoring on the couch.

Louis shrugged. "Ok then."

So, after waking up Harry and Zayn, we all met up in Liam's room instead, just in case he woke up.

The boys exchanged gifts between each other, and I felt like a looser because I hadn't gotten them gifts. I had planned on getting them sometime this week, but between yelling at Harry to put his boots on in the lodge, being chased by a bear, and learning that your older sister died, it was reasonable that it slipped my mind.

"I'm sorry you guys." I said at last. "I've been so occupied lately, I forgot to get your gifts."

"That's ok." said Harry. "We understand."

"BUT I'll get them before we leave."

"If you say so." said Zayn.

Liam was still snoring away on the couch.

"We have a gift for you, though." Louis said. He handed me a small jewelry box. I suddenly got excited.

I opened the small box, and saw a small, silver heart. It was a necklace.

I gasped. "It's so pretty!" I cried, pulling it out of its box.

"Read the back." Zayn said. "This is from all of us."

"'til death, do we part" I read. "Aww! Thanks guys!"

"You're welcome." Louis said, giving me a hug. Next, I hugged Niall, Zayn, then Harry.

"And this one's from me" said Niall. He handed me a purple wrapped present. "For one of the best snow boarders I've seen."

I took the flat object in my lap. I ripped off the wrapping.

"Dis you wrap this?" I asked.

"Lou did." said Niall, blushing.

I pulled the paper away from the object, and uncovered a snowboard!

"Oh my gosh!" I cried. I had a really crappy one at home, but this one, was one of the best ones.

"Now you don't have to keep on renting." He added.

"Thank you!" I cried, giving him a massive hug. I felt happy to feel the warmness of his body, and his protective arms around my back. I was glad to feel loved by someone. (not in a romantic way though) I felt so away from my family, when I had one right here. Even if they were all guys. I felt my necklace press against my neck as I hugged Niall and began crying, remembering the words, 'til death do we part'.

"Oh no." He said, "What's wrong?"

I let go of him. "nothing." I said, sniffing. "I'm just so fortunate to have you guys. I love you all so much."

Louis checked his watch. "We'll open the rest of the presents later, I've gotta catch Eleanor before she leaves." He got up and left.

"I'm gonna get a shower." Said Harry, getting up. "See you."

"I'm going to call Perrie" said Zayn. He left.

"Hey," said Niall. "Want to go see a movie?"

"Sure." I said, "but how about breakfast first?"

"You got me." said Niall. We got up, and walked down the hall together.


I'd like to dedicate this chapter to the one and only, Niall Horan. I've just now realized that he is the least loved person in the band, and receives a lot of more hate. I really don't understand why, though. I've always loved him to bits and pieces. I love him because he's not perfect. He's quirky, and Irish, both of which I can relate to. Niall is the most relatable person in the band! How can anyone hate him? Differences are what make us unique, right?

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