9:The White Flower

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I could hear the voice of a police officer. I jumping behind the couch going head first. By then the door was already opened and Darlene was talking to someone.

"What was that ma'me?" The guy put his head in looking around the place.

"It must've been my frisky cat Midnight, you should know what sound a cat makes." She said popping him on the head.

"Now stop looking in my house!" She warned putting her hand up. The guy backed away slowly until Darlene shut the door. "Wait." She mouthed over at me.

"But when do you think i can get some of your ice tea?" The guy said popping his head back in.

"Later today." She assured i didn't see the mans faced while she closed the door for a second time.

"You can come out now Anastazia." She said walking over to the couch. I rose slowly looking at Blake.

"I don't get it. What are we suppose to do here in New York?" Jezebelle asked coming out of the kitchen.

"Something." Valentina said crossing her legs.

"Look all that  matters is if we stay hidden people know I'm here. And we got to get better disguises!" I sat on the arm chair looking at my grandma.

"Maby you three should look like ladies for once." My grandma mumbled walking into her room. She came out with three puffy dresses. One was blue with light green ribbon. The other one was a pretty sunlight yellow while the last one was a rosy pink with red strips.

"Put this on and i will do something with your hair." She gave me the blue, Jezebelle the pink, and Valentina the yellow.

I walked into the room getting the damn dress on.

"Gosh i feel like a petunia!" I exclaimed while Jezebelle tightened the corset.

After she was done she twirled back and forth.

"I love it!" Jezebelle exclaimed.

"You lady's done?" Blake opened the door behind him was Darlene.

"You guys look...Wow." He said looking at me. I blushed a little while Darlene hit him in the back of the head.

"Grandma!" I said.

"What i don't want him trying to get under your skirt." She said grabbing a brush and motioning me toward the bed. She yanked the brush my hair causing me to yank.

After what felt like forever she was finally done. I looked at my self in the mirror. For once i looked like a young lady. My hair was pulled back a light pony tail falling along my back. I didn't notice how long my hair had gotten. (look at picture to see hairstyle).

She did Jezebelle's hair next and she pulled her's into small ringlets. Valentinas just stayed down. Her hair falling along her face perfectly.

"Now you look good." Darlene said putting her brush on her dresser.


As we walked through the town i was surprised nobody recognized me.  For once i didnt feel like i stuck out. I liked it. No Anastazia don't get used to it somethings going to happen and you know it!.

I screamed at myself.

"Come one deary." Darlene said while the four of us walked into a flower shop.

"Why arnt there any white flowers?" I asked Valentina. She shrugged her shoulders looking around.

"Because we don't want the White Flower robbing us." The old lady sneered at me.  I rolled my eyes walking toward the roses.

 There were so many colors except white. I hissed while picking up one of the roses only to be stabbed.

Blood dripped down my finger. Falshback happen of when my life was normal. You dont know how bad i wanted to go back.

I wanted out of New York. I missed the thrill and the rush. I missed the adventure. I was soon becoming bitter noticing how boring New York was to me.

I wanted to travel.

And soon or later i will have my thrill.

Okay i feel really bad ): its short i just didnt have anything to write about! Im sworry): I promise next time will be 2 pages and maby 3 :D well vote commet and fan! :D

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