Chapter 37; Claire Curvel

Start from the beginning

I shook my head, pulling my gun out of its holster. "You're being the dumbest," I hissed.

"No," Rick finalized. "You, Maggie, and Beth draw as many as you can over there pop 'em through the fence," Rick ordered.

I held back the urge to roll my eyes again, shooting a glare at Rick. He quickly averted my eyes; already knowing I had a problem with him pairing Maggie up around Glenn again. I get that she's very useful and knows how to handle herself, but I'd rather her handle herself around someone else.

"Daryl go back to the other tower. Carol, you've become a pretty good shot," Rick pointed out as Daryl headed over to the other tower. "Take your time, we don't have a lot of ammo to waste. Hershel, you and Carl take this tower."

"Alright," Carl immediately agreed.

"I'll run for the gate," Rick spoke softly.

I made quick steps towards him, tugging his arm as Lori looked at Rick worriedly. "I can do it."

Rick looked around at the many walkers clinging to the gate -loud snarls and groaning drowning in both of our ears. I let go of his arm, squinting my eyes up at him. "I can do it Rick. I'm quicker than you are and the others aren't here to protest," I tried to persuade.

"She can do it Rick," Lori added. I shot her a small smile in thanks for picking my side. I know she was doing it because she didn't want Rick to go but I could really do it.

Rick grabbed the chains to close the gate across the yard from Glenn before turning back to me once Glenn ran over to help T-Dog and them. "Fine, but you need to be quick."

I nodded, grabbing the chain and lock from Rick. "I'll cover behind you."

Lori opened the gate for us, giving Rick a look that screamed 'you better come back or so help you God'. I held my beretta up as me and Rick carefully walked around the overturned prison bus. I let Rick go a bit ahead of me before taking off towards the guard tower. I didn't waste what few ammo I had, leaving the walkers I dodged for the others or Rick to handle.

"Claire to your left," Rick shouted.

My heart skipped a beat as a walker lunged towards me, a breathe I was holding only coming out as an arrow lodged into the walkers skull.I stopped short in my run, turning around to look at Rick wide eyed as he barely missed getting shot. Both of our heads looked up at Carol who barely looked fazed that she almost shot him.

Rick pushed me forward, shaking his head. "Keep going, we're almost there."

Rick took care of the walkers around us as I ran for the gate -quickly sliding it shut as the walkers on the other side came towards me. The walkers moans drowned out the heavy heartbeat in my ears as I wrapped the chain around the fence and locked it.

"Let's go!"

I rushed over towards Rick, lifting my gun up and firing off two shots into a walkers head. Rick swung the door open to the guard tower, shooting down the two walkers inside before we both rushed inside. The door slammed shut behind us as walkers banged on the outside and gunshots rang off in the air.

I leaned over with my hands on my knees, a small smile on my lips as I tilted my head up to look at Rick. "Told you I could do it," I bragged.

Rick chuckled, ruffling my hair as he breathed heavily. "Never doubted you in the first place Claire."

Rick rushed up to the top of the watch tower while I stayed and guarded the door. Always have to have precautions with more than a few walkers banging against the door.

"It's clear," Rick called down towards me.

I smiled, slipping my gun back into my thigh holster as I pushed the door open. I took in a deep breath as I looked around at the large prison yard with walkers laying around. It's not much but it's more than we could ask for. Somewhere we'll have more protection than staying inside cars on the run all the time. A place to rest.

I felt a new kind of hope as the others joined us on the prison yard, Carol exclaiming how great this was and T-Dog laughing in excitement. I stepped around the dead walkers by the door, high fiving Carl and Beth once they were close enough by me.

"I'm surprised my dad let you go," Carl admitted.

I chuckled, giving him a playful wink. "Cause he knows how tough I am."

Rick came out the guard tower, the strap of his sniper slung over his shoulders as he walked passed us to the others. I looked around, my eyes catching Glenn who was stomping his way towards me; a angry scowl on his face. My smile instantly fell from my face as he stop a few feet away from me, his hand gripping onto the pole he used to kill walkers at the gate.

"I did a good job and I didn't get hurt so don't lecture me," I spat.

All I got in return was a roll of his eyes before he walked the few steps closer to me and pressed his lips to mine. My eyes widened before realization set in. Glenn was kissing me after so long. My eyes slowly closed as my arms wrapped around his neck, pushing my chest more against his as our lips moved together. For just that few seconds I forgot about the world we were living in and enjoyed the small moment of bliss I had before Glenn pulled away with a small smile.

His hands gripped my waist as he kissed my forehead. "Don't ever scare me like that again," he scolded. "That was completely dangerous."

I chuckled, rolling my eyes playfully as my face became hot. "Can't make any promises on that."

Glenn let go, ruffling my hair before grabbing my hand. I couldn't keep the smile from forming on my face as we walked back over to the others. Today just seems to get better and better.

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