“Okay Party people, lets get the party started”

The music began to play again as I walked towards Ruby and hugged her. We both held us for a few second before she whispered into my ear.

“I'm glad you're back, babe”

I nodded not wanting to cry and stroke over her back.

“Lets go and party” I whispered and she grabbed my arm and pulled me towards the fridge.

We drank lots of alcohol and ate chips, we danced and had fun and I didn't think about anything else than being happy that I was with my friends again.

I saw Ollie and Caitlin standing together in one corner as I walked towards then and hugged them both.

“Wow you look amazing” Caitlin stated as she looked down my body.

“Thank but look at you” I smiled at her and she laughed.

“So you two huh?” I whispered while looking at Ollie and Cait once again.

“Yes we two” Ollie smiled.

“I'm glad and it was time” I told them and we all laughed.

Ollie pulled Cait closer and she leaned against his chest as he placed a soft kiss on her head.

“Okay okay, I let you too have some love time” I laughed and turned around to go out in the garden. I grabbed myself another drink and sat down on the bench outside.

The way Ollie held Cait made me feel jealous, I wanted someone to hole me like that. To be here with me like that and to protect me whenever I need someone. I wanted someone I could trust again.

I watch the other people in the garden and I saw some more couples. My chest tightened and I felt a weird feeling as my thoughts went over to Harry. Where was he and what were we? I was used to him now being around me and the daily fights and every time he annoys me. I felt safe around him and I have to admit whenever I saw him I had this weird feeling in my stomach. I didn't know what it was but it felt good.

“Where is Harry?” I heard Ruby asking behind me as I turned around.

“I don't know, he isn't here” I told her and tried to smile.

“I just saw him a few minutes ago and that is why I checked up at you”

“He is here” I tried to hide the surprise in my voice, my heart instantly began to race.

“Yes” Ruby answered simply. “Be careful Millie” she told me before she left again.

I sat there on the bench with my long drink in my hand completely confused and thinking about the fact that Ruby saw Harry. I haven't heard anything since last night but he came. He came to a Party even though he didn't knew anyone. I stood up and walked towards the kitchen to grab me another drink as I saw him standing there talking with a blonde girl. I've never seen her here and Harry looked different. His hair was different and out if his face and he wore a grey shirt instead of his black and white shirts. On his feet he had black converse instead of his white ones and he held a drink in his hand. I looked at the girl and my chest tightened when she laughed with Harry and put her thin arms on his chest. She obviously liked Harry and they both seemed to know each other. They both looked happy and for my likings she was standing to close to Harry.

I swallowed the weird feeling down and walked towards the fridge to grab me another drink. I decided to make it extra strong, maybe the weird feeling would go away and I could have fun. I turned around to see if Harry was still standing with the blonde girl but they both disappeared so I decide to go back outside. I sat back on the bench with the only difference that another person sat beside me. He was looking like my age and I smiled at him before I sat down. He held a beer in his hand and a cigarette in his other hand as his eyes moved over my body. I felt uncomfortable but decided to stay sitting on the bench, I couldn't always ran away from everything. He chuckled as he looked into my eyes and I smiled a faked smile back before I took a bid sip from my drink. I began to feel dizzy and the alcohol in my veins made me feel better. I began to like the loud music and the people around me and I forgot about Harry. As my glass was empty I didn't even mind the boys coming closer to my side. He started to talk with me and I shook my head or nodded. As he said something funny we both laughed and he took his chance to and laid his hand on my tights. I jumped at his cold hands on my body but relaxed soon as he didn't move his hand anywhere else. He began to talk again, he was funny and made me laugh. I liked laughing in that moment leaned closer to him. He smiled down at me and I smiled back.

Trust AgainOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora