Meeting ma! - 22

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Today I meet jacks parents. I finally get to meet Ma! Ok. Me and Jack are currently in my car on the way there. When we get there, his ma was standing outside.
"So is this the beautiful girl you were on about yesterday?" His ma says.
"MA!" He shouts.
"He said that? What else did he say?" I ask. I'm interested now.
"He said he is so lucky to have such an amazing girl like you and that he-" Jack covers his mums mouth.
"Ok that's enough let's get inside!" He shouts and we all go inside. On the walls there are picture of Jack and his brothers.
"Aww Jack you were adorable when you were younger!" I says and he blushes.
"I HAVE BABY PICTURES!" His mother shouts.
"SHOW ME!" I shout and run to her. Man I'm such a bad girlfriend 😂.
"Ma please don't," Jacks says as he walks into the living room. Too late Jack. Your ma is already showing me the pics.
"Oh my god!" He shouts and sits down.
"Jack your so cute in these pictures." I say and he shrugs his shoulders.
"Aren't we all?" He says.
"Yeah but it doesn't Normally stay with ya till your 20s." I say and he smiles. His mother also smiles.
"This ones a keeper!" She says and then goes and prepares dinner.
"So Jack. It's so nice here!" I say and he grabs my hand as we walk to the table.
"Thanks (Y/N)," He says and kisses me on the cheek. When we get to the table he pulls the chair out for me.
"Such a gentleman!" I say and we both burst out laughing.
"You really love this girl huh?" His mother asks as she walks in with food.
"Ma she's right there!" He says and she smiles.
"So (Y/N), how did you meet Sean?" She asks.
"We are neighbours," I say and she smiles.
"So this is also the new neighbour you were on about?" She asks.
"I GIVE UP!" He says and walks out.
"I will get him," I say and walk out to him.
"You know she isn't trying to be nasty, she is just interested," I say and he nods.
"I know but she is so embarrassing." He moans.
"Aren't all parents?" I say and he sighs. "I would give pretty much anything to see my parents again," I say and he looks at me.
"Oh no I forgot I'm so sorry." He says and I smile.
"It's ok, now come on. Let's finish dinner." I say and grab his hand. We sit down and finish the evening. Joking and laughing. Seans family are so nice! I understand why he is so nice now. When we get back he lies on the couch and I lie next to him. He wraps his arm around me.
"That was interesting," He says and I laugh.
"As long as I Have you it's fine," I say and he nods.
"Yeah.  I love ya."
"Love ya too Jacky!"

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