Shit goes down - 18

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Today is the last day of pax prime. And on the same day me and Jack return to Ireland. But first,before we return, it's the party!
"Why do you have to leave today?" Mark moaned.
"Cause we need to get back to Ireland," Jack says, pulling me closer. Me and Jack both have our suspicions about Mark.
"Yeah, we gotta get back, ya know what the fans are like," I say then cover my mouth with my hand. No fucking way.
"(Y/N)! Did your accent just turn Irish for a second there?" Jack asks.
"No......" I say and we both laugh.
"Yay, now your officially Irish!" He cheers. I'm full English so this accent is pretty cool!
"Ha, you spend a lot of time with Jack don't you?" Mark asks.
"Well yeah, we are together and we live next door to each other," I say and Jack rolls his eye.
"Yeah, we are together," Jack tries to emphasise it.
"I know," He says and then Felix walks in.
"Come on guys were going to be late!" Felix shouts.
"Ok we're coming geez," Jack jokes and we all walk out. Jack still making sure I'm near him and not Jack. Man I love this man. We get to pax and it's the same as yesterday. Mark got given some fan art and then the same person gave me some fan art. Before I could ask what it was the person walked away. Great. It was Mark x (Y/N) fan art. I show Jack and  he takes it.
"Thanks," I say and he nods. Mark seems to put his fan art in this pocket. Did we get the same one? Nah. We continue the signing and then we head back to the hotel. A few hours skip by and the party started. And Mark was drunk as fuck. He danced and fell on the floor.
"Mark you shouldn't be drinking remember, you could get very ill from it," I say.
"I'll be fine baby," He say and I help him up. He then grabs me and pulls me outside. I see Jack follow us. He was suspicions as I was too. Then Mark kissed me and that's when shit went down.
"WHAT THE FUCK MAN?" The Irish mans voice echoed outside. Luckily no one was on the street.
"Your girlfriend is fit as fuck," Mark says.
"Jack he's drunk, he doesn't know what he's doing- HOLY SHIT!!" Jack has punched Mark in the face. Shit. Felix comes running out and spilt the boys up.
"What the fuck Jack?" I say.
"Mark, go to hell," He says. Mark stands up. He had a nose bleed. Mark then ran at Jack and punched him. No one punches Jack. Ever.
"MARK YOU FUCKING LITTLE PIECE OF SHIT I WILL MURDER YOUR ASS!" I screamed. Felix stopped me from going near Mark.
"Go get help, GO!" Felix screams, still stopping the two boys from fighting. I run inside and look for anyone I recognised. I walked around for a bit till I went down a corridor. I then punched a wall. I'm so fucking angry. I then hear someone cough. I turn around. It's Loretta. Shit, just what I need.
"Surprise motherfucker!" She shouts and then she hits me with the object in her hand. I fall to the floor. Vision blurry. Not this shit again. Loretta drops whatever she had in her hand and then I hear Jack run it.
"Fucking bitch this is just what I need!!" Jack screams and picks up whatever Loretta had.
"Wait... Jack you wouldn't.......I love you babe........" She says, backing into a corner. My head really hurts now.
"Never in a million years," He says and then he hits her. She falls to the floor. I begin to slip in and out of blacking out. One minuet I'm in my room, now I'm in the ambulance, now I'm in a hospital. Not this shit again. There probably tired of seeing me. And I'm in a fucking coma. Great!

Told ya shit was going down. I struggled to write this to be honest. I love Mark so much I'm sorry!!!
Lara3579 x
Also know now as Booper-Dooper-Bitch as I changed my actually name on wattpad 😂😂

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