Christmas shopping - 5

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24th of December
It was the next day. I had to go next door to do Christmas shopping with Jack. I guess I will have to get him a Christmas present. I have no idea what to get him though. I could make something for him instead. But what? I will have a think during the day. For now I guess I will watch Jack play GTA with Mark that he uploaded. Even though I have seen it, I haven't seen the edited vision. I sit down and then start to play the video. There was a knock on my door and I shout come it. It's probably the mailman or something. No, it was Jack. And I was watching his video.
"Can't get enough of me huh?" He asks. He then smiles. I shut the tab down and stood up.
"Ha, you wish!" I cheer and we both laugh.
"So why are you here?" I ask him.
"Oh yeah you need to come next door, Mark want to talk to you," he says.
"Ok," I said and we walked back to his. Mark was on the Skype chat.
"Hey (Y/N), did Jack tell you what we were talking about?" Mark asked.
"No, why?" I ask.
"Oh yeah, on New Year's Eve, every year me, Mark, felix and Marzia host a party. Every year we take it turns and this year it's here," Jack say and I look at him.
"Why are you telling me this?" I ask him and he laughs, so does Mark.
"He wants you to come too dummy!" Mark shouts and Jack goes slightly red.
"Y-yeah, I mean I-if you w-wanna,"he says and I look at him in shock. Why was he talking like that, is he scared of asking me? Why would he? Nah, he's just shy.
"Yeah please!" I cheer and Jack smiles.
"Great!" He cheers and then turns to the screen, "So Mark, what do we need?" He asks.

Me, Jack and Mark spend an hour writing a list so while we were out shopping with Jack, then we could get the stuff we need. I have also decided what to get Jack for Christmas. I will make him a JSE phone case. I think he will like that. Also, I will bake a cookie cake. He will love it. He loves cake and he loves cookies so together, he would truly love it! We are currently about to go out.
"We will take my car," Jack says and be walk to the car. In the car, Jack starts up a conversation.
"So, when we get there, we will go to where we wanna go and then at the end I need to go get some thing I don't want you to see," he says. Is he getting me a present?
"Not trying to sound rude by the way," he says and I nod.
"I know," you say. We eventually make it to town.
"Follow me," he says and starts to take you somewhere. We walked into a clothes shop. We walk to a area with lots of dresses. I'm so confused.
"Ok, pick one for Christmas and New Year," he says.
"Jack, I can't afford this," I say. He looks at you and laughs.
"I'm buying it for you!" He says. What? Why would he do that?
"No you can't," you say but Jack puts his hand on your shoulder.
"Yes I can, and I am, treat yourself," he says. I walk around and take a few dresses to try. Eventually i decided to take the (F/C) dress with (F/C) glitter all over it. I walked out and Jack stared at me.
"What do you think?" I asked. He just stared.
"Jack? Hello?" I asked and waved my hand in his face. He shook his head.
"You look beautiful," he says. It makes you blush.
"I guess this is the one then," I said and when and got changed again. Then Jack payed for it and we walked out. We walked around for hours popping into shops and getting stuff for Christmas and new year. Eventually we got everything we need.
"Ok I need to get the thing so meet here in 10 minuets?" He says and you nod.
"Oh and if I'm not back here's my number, just text me," he says and passed me some paper with a number. I just got Jacks number, finally!
"Ok see ya," I said and we walked in different directions. So first I need to go get some cooking stuff. Now I need to go get sewing stuff. I wonder what he got me. I'm sure it's great. Whatever it is I will love it. After 10 minuets, I met back with Jack and we headed back the car and headed home.

This probably wasn't one of the greatest chapter but it had to be done.
Lara3579 x

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