Lets make our way to pax prime - 12

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Thursday January 3rd 2016 ( also, pretty sure it isn't a Thursday but just go with it! )
It was the 3rd of January. Tomorrow was the day I was going to pax prime with Jack. And today I was going to America so I was there for pax prime. I looked at my watch. I need to start packing. I packed general stuff to last me the weekend. I also packed my JSE t-shirt. I was going to meet so many fans of mine, Jacks, Felix and Mark. It's going to be great. After I packed everything, I went to jacks. I knocked on the door. No reply. I knocked louder and shouted.
"Jack!" There was no reply. I then heard footsteps finally. Jack opened the door. He wasn't even dressed. Looks like he was still in bed.
"Jack! We gotta to to the airport!!" He looks at you then at himself. He then turns to his clock. Then back to me. There was then a sudden burst of energy.
"OH SHIT YEAH!!" He grabbed me  and dragged me inside. He signalled to me to sit on the couch while he got ready. I looked at him as we walked to him room and came back with a parcel.
"This is for you," he says. He handed me the parcel then walked to him room to pack. I opened it and it was a septic Sam plushie. Man I have wanted one of these for ages. I smile and place it next to me and decide to text Mark since it's bout 12 for Mark since it like 4 here. (4 In the morning)
Y: Hey
M: Hey
Y: What are you up to then?
M: Just packing, you?
Y: Waiting for Jack to pack. He overslept.
M: Yep,that's Jack alright. See ya when you get here (Y/N)
Y: Yeah see ya Mark.
Jack was ready now and we made it to the airport in time. Before we knew it, we were on the plane. Because we woke late, we both fell asleep. My head was resting on jacks shoulder while he was stroking my hair till he fell asleep. So adorable!! When we got there, we met Mark in the carpark. Felix was also there. We made our way to a hotel near pax prime and I decided to record a video. Since I was a secret guest, I couldn't tell anyone I was going to pax prime but I could say some things.
"Hey guys, (Y/N) here. I'm currently in America for a secret event you guys will surely see soon. I'm here with a few youtubers. Not saying who, all I'm saying is you guys will love it. Peace out! " Jack then walks in.
"Peace out? How did you come up with that?" He asked jokingly.
"It just came," I said and he nodded. Mark could just be heard from the other room.
"Come on love birds, we gotta get some sleep for tomorrow!" We both laugh.
"Yeah, yeah ok!" I shout back and Jack sits down next to me. He then hugged me.
"I love you (Y/N) and no matter what happens tomorrow, we won't let that change us in anyway." He says. I rest my head on his chest and look up at him. I look into his eyes.
"Thanks Jack." I say.
"No problem babe." He says then kissed me. It was short but I wasn't rushed. It was filled with love. He truly does care, he really does. Me and Jack both lay there and soon fell asleep.
4th of January 2016 Friday day one of pax prime.
I woke up and Jack was sitting up. He was talking to himself. I lay there and listened. Pretending to be asleep.
"Ok Jack, today we tell the world. I can't mess this up live. I love (Y/N) and the world will have to accept it. " he says. I laugh quietly to myself and then sit up.
"As thanks Jack," I say and he jumps.
"GEEZ (Y/N) I DIDNT KNOW YA WERE AWAKE!" He shouts. I laugh.
"I'm sorry, is this a good enough apology?" I say and I pull him in and kiss him. He then falls onto the bed and pulls me down, still kissing. Mark then suddenly comes in.
"Good morning you two, I heard shouting and just though I'd--- WHAT THE HELL? ARE YOU TWO GOING TO DO IT HERE!?!" Mark screams. I climb off Jack as fast as i could.
"No it was just a kiss!!" I shout and Jack sits up and looks at Mark. Well, I say looks, it was more of  a thanks a lot Mark, you just messed up a perfect moment with (Y/N) glare.
"Right." He says, sarcastically. "Anyway, get ready, we gotta go in 20 minuets. He says then closed the door. I look at Jack and he looks at me. We then both burst out laughing. We get ready and make our way to pax prime. First up was the panel. We are all backstage. I look at Jack and he can tell I'm nerves, he was too.
"It will be ok, they will be happy for us. I promise."


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