Things He Does You Hate

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You absolutely hate it when he talks big  game. The only thing worse than him is when he messes with other people like Spot or Mush.


When he lies. You hate it when he doesn't tell you the truth and sometime you end up having your brother threaten him until he gives you a real answer.


When he tried to cook. Spot is a little bit of a hot head and when something doesn't go his way, chaos follows. Especially cooking and/or baking. That's why pizza and takeout (Chinese food) was invented.


When he's drunk. You don't really like gambling that much, but when he's drunk, he goes all out and sometime tries to harm others. He tried to "do it" with you one time, but luckily, Spot was there to save you.


Honestly, he's a cinnamon roll. He can't do anything bad...



You hated it when he argues with you. 51% of the time he loses, and mostly, it's about pointless things like who made papers what day or who was the last to make sure Race didn't kill himself through gambling.

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