Chapter 30

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Genovefa's training had improved immensely, and even though she still has yet to beat me she shows the spirit I remember sparked inside me when my father taught me how to fight. She has grown more aggressive and is able to stand her ground. I pity anyone that tries to harm my friend. Genovefa took another swing at me but I pushed it aside with my own sword. She smiled at me and dropped both her weapons. "Well?" Her eyes, that were filled with curiosity, searched mine for a status report. I smiled and let out a small laugh and wrapped my arm around her shoulder.

"You have really proved yourself Genovefa! I'm proud of you!" We headed inside the house and weren't that shocked to see Leif trying to manage the children.

Brynjar started running around the house and Oydis was crying as she chased after him. Leif was yelling and trying to catch our children as they ran around him in a circle and into their room and then our's. Genovefa and I glanced at each other and laughed. I walked towards my son and daughter who immediately stopped running the moment they saw me. I kneeled down to look at them. "Now what seems to be the matter?"

"Bwinya hit me in da arm and took my horsie!" Oydis sobbed. I glanced over at Brynjar who quickly held the wooden horse behind his back. I held out my hand and he sighed in defeat and carefully placed the toy in my hand. Oydis smiled as I handed the wooden horse over to her.

I turned to Brynjar and gave him a serious look. "Brynjar you don't ever hit and take things from your sister, understand?" He nodded in shame. "Now apologize and give your little sister a hug." He said sorry to Oydis and wrapped his arms around her. Oydis forgave immediately and soon the two were playing together.

Leif pulled me up by the arm and wrapped his arms around my waist. "Told you would make a good mother." I smiled and gave a peck on his lips.

"I should go feed the goats!" Leif exclaims as he exits the house, leaving Genovefa and I alone. I walked towards the kitchen and started to prepare the meal. Just as Genovefa was about to help me a knock at the door made us both jump a little. Genovefa turned to me and puzzled then walked towards the door and slightly opened it. She immediately stepped out of the way and allowed Hvitserk to enter.

I put down the corn I was holding and smiled at my uncle. "Hvitserk, what a surprise! How are you?"

"I am doing well, thank you. I have come by to deliver these for you. I found them in your old room." Hvitserk handed me a basket of old toys I use to play with when I was young. "They were your favorites and I thought it would make little Oydis and Brynjar happy if they had them too." I gave my uncle a peck on the cheek and then asked Genovefa to continue cooking as I gave the toys to my children.

"Thank you Hvitserk!" My uncle smiled and turned to exit my home. "Where are you going? Wouldn't you like to stay for supper?"

"Thank you very much Siggy, but I think I'll just head home tonight." Genovefa put the knife down that she was using to peel the potatoes.

"Such a shame. I accidentally started cooking a little more than I planned. We will probably still have some food left over. Are you certain you don't want to stay?" Genovefa asked in an innocent tone. Hvitserk closed the door and turned around to smile at Genovefa.

"Very well. I'll stay." I arched an eyebrow as he started to set the table. He would glance up over his shoulder every once in awhile at Genovefa as she continued to cook.

I left the house to call for Leif that supper was ready. Brynjar and Oydis came running into the main room with enormous smiles on their faces. I helped them climb up onto the chairs and place the food on their plates. Leif sat across from me and Genovefa sat on my left side with Hvitserk next to her. As we ate I noticed that Hvitserk and Genovefa were deep in conversation. I looked up and saw Leif giving me an aberrant look. A smile tugged at his lips and we both knew what was really occurring.

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