Chapter 18

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*this a special chapter I decided to put in that is from Embla's point of view not Siggy's!*

Embla watched her son sleep peacefully in his bed. Not a sound came out of him. She smiled with glee at her little miracle. His name was Hakon. Since he was her first Asger and her decided to give a noble name, a name he could be proud of. Embla's dark brown hair hanged over her left shoulder as she watched over him. Hakon was born a couple days after Siggy's son.

Embla stood up and began to do her chores. She turned to see her husband walk through the door. She greeted him with a kiss and a cup of water. He sat next to their child and began to admire Hakon. "Oh dear!" Embla cried. Asger arose from his spot and rushed to his wife.

"What's wrong?"

"I forgot to deliver the blankets my mother asked for! I'll do that now while there is still light. I shall return very soon." Embla placed a hooded cape over her shoulders and gave Asger a kiss before leaving.

As Embla exited her parents home she trudged through the trail back to her house. Suddenly the sound of people walking caught her attention and she quickly hid behind a tree. She turned around the corner a little and was shocked to see Queen Aslaug and the Seer.

"Why have you summoned me here?" The Seer asked in annoyance. Aslaug's facial expression look like she didn't care about the Seer's complaints. She straightened her back and took a deep breath.

"I need to ask you something" the Seer lifted his head waiting for her question. "I want to know if a woman will ever succeed to the kingdom of Kattegat?"

The Seer was silent for a moment as he lowered his head. "A woman will one day rule Kattegat." Embla could see Aslaug's stern expression softened a little.

"Will it be me?"

"That is something I can not answer. The gods forbid me to see such things so soon." Aslaug's eyebrows knitted to the center. She growled and stomped off. Embla quickly hid back behind the tree. She remained still hoping the Seer was gone as well. "I know you are there."

Embla gasped. She slowly appeared from behind the tree and saw the Seer facing her. He held out his hand and motioned for her to come closer. Embla walked towards him.

"Do you know who will succeed to Kattegat?" Embla asked. The Seer nodded.

"I will not tell though." Embla nodded in agreement. "However, I know your friend is in trouble. You must help protect her. Siggy's strength and kindness has grown on the people and they will soon defend her against their Queen."

"Aslaug won't stop until Siggy is dead isn't she?" Embla quickly asked as the Seer turned away. He looked back at her and nodded.

"Aslaug is growing more and more thirsty for power." The Seer lowered his head and continued to walk back to Kattegat. Embla remained where she was for a moment and then headed back to her home.

The moment she walked through the door she her husband cradling Hakon in his muscular arms. She lifted a smiled and headed towards them. He looked up at her and smiled back. She placed a hand on his arm. "Asger."


"We need to look out for Siggy. I fear Aslaug won't stop until my friend is dead. I can't let her do this!" Asger kissed his wife's tender lips.

"I agree. And I know no one is going to mess around with my Embla!" Asger commented as he laid his son on his bed and pulled Embla close to him by the waist. She pretended to be disgusted as he began kissing her neck and bare chest.

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