Chapter 23

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Author's Note: hey guys just letting you know the music above is for the scene that happens towards the end of chapter. Also on computer you'll see an arrow next to the video, there is a picture of a character from the show who is mentioned, so you know what he looks like. But for phone the picture will show up first and if you swipe to the left with your finger is the video. Enjoy!

Leif smiled at me as I finished the lullaby to Brynjar and Oydis. Once their hefty eyelids finally collapsed and their steady breathing was the only thing you could hear, I quietly crept out of the room and carefully closed the door behind me. Once I turned around to face Leif his lips immediately crashed down on mine. I backed away for a moment to breath.

He took my hand and led me out of the house. "Leif, where are you taking me?"

"It's a surprise" I could sense the a smile slowly spread across his face. I rolled my eyes in annoyance.

Once I finally noticed some light, Leif quickly covered my eyes, bringing back the darkness. I groaned and lifted a small smile when I heard him chuckle.

We finally came to a stop and suddenly Leif pulled his hands away and stood beside me. My eyes widened with awe as I stared at the scenery. A bench was next to a small pond and candles were lit all around. Leif walked in front and then turned to face me. He opened his arms and smiled that handsome smile I never got over. "Happy birthday Siggy!"

I didn't resist the tear that slid down my left cheek. I immediately ran into his arms and kissed him from the neck all the way up to his lips. Once we broke I smiled at him. "Thank you! I love you so much!"

"I love you too!" He took a step back and held out his hand. "Would you like to dance?"

"But there's no music"

"I hear music every time you smile and laugh" unable to resist it, I smiled. He did the same and I took his hand. He pulled me closer to him and rested his other hand on my waist. I rested my head on his chest as we swayed back and forth to the music less forest that surrounded us.

. . . .

The sound of sticks detonating against the animal skin drums, whistles escaping from the birka flute, and the lyre strummed in the same rhythm as the other instruments lured the people of Kattegat to its shores for another celebration. I held Oydis on my hip while Leif held onto Brynjar's little hand and led him to the beach. The music brought a big smile to take over my son's face as he tried to drag my husband closer to the instruments. I let out a laugh as Leif lifted his head to look at me and silently plead for help. I teasingly shook my head and walked over to my father still holding my daughter in my arms. Björn noticed me coming towards him and spread his arms wide open and a blissful smile spread across his cheeks. "Siggy!"

"Evening father!"

"Hello Oydis!" My father gave my daughter a little wave and kissed her forehead making her smile. "Beauty! She looks like her mother!" I smiled as we both adored my child that giggle in my arms.

"How are you father?"

"I'm well for now. Just want to enjoy this feast and take my mind off somethings. Would little Oydis like to dance?" I handed my daughter over to my father's large muscular arms. He carefully swayed her in his arms and walked over to my grandparents.

I walked around the beach and smiled and greeted everyone that showed up to the feast. I quickly spun around when I felt a hand touch my shoulder. I came face to face with Asger and before I could say anything he immediately wrapped his lightly tanned muscular arms around my thin body.

He finally pulled away and smiled down at me. I returned the expression and quickly gave a light hug back. "Where is Embla? Are the children here as well?" Asger nodded and pointed over to where Embla was playfully dancing with her son, Hakon, and swayed her daughter, Borghild, in her arms. Their children smiled and giggled as they tried to keep up with the music.

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