Chapter 26

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I held up Leif's wrist and examined the faint line wrapped around it. How could I not have noticed this? The way the line coiled around his skin was clear that it was done by a whip. I just stared it for awhile and then gasped when Leif yanked his arm back from my grip. I looked up at him and saw he was trying to avoid my eyes. "Leif?"

"Brynjar wasn't the only one who got in the way and paid the price for it" I tried to look into his eyes, but he refused to let me.

"What are you talking about?" Leif was silent for a moment. He took a deep breath and then turned his head to face me.

"I was only ten years old. My father went out one night with some of his friends. He didn't return home until the next morning." I watched my husband carefully as he told his story. "The next day my father went to the butcher's and was apparently angry with the amount of meat that he was given. My mother and I tried to calm my father down but he lost it."

Leif's brown eyes stared right into mine and I immediately felt my soul being pulled into his story. Standing beside a young Leif watching his father lose his temper.

"He began to threaten the butcher and son barged into his home and grabbed his son by the hair and pulled him outside. I watched in horror as my father grab a whip and just when he was about to the hurt the frightened boy I stepped in and held up my hand thinking I would stop my father . . but I didn't. He hit me and after that I never wanted to live the rest of my life fighting all the time like my father."

I laced my fingers between his and gave a light kiss on his lips. "You are not your father. You are completely different and I love you because of that." I kissed him one more time and felt his hands slip from mine and push the back of my head making my lips press harder against his.  

. . . . 

A few days later I decided to go hunting. I trudged through the woods with my bow ready in hand. I quietly climbed a tree and sat on a thick branch, my eyes scanned the area and watched intently as a doe came into view. I waited for a little bit and then a mischievous smile spread across my lips as my eyes followed the buck that slowly came out of the bushes nearby.

I pulled the arrow back and waited for my time to strike. I hesitated but shook my head a little and released the arrow. Perfect shot. However, the buck started to run off, I plucked another arrow from my quiver and shot the buck another time. It took a couple of arrows until The buck collapsed to the ground.

I leaped off the branch and walked towards the dead animal. As I made my way to the Seer a light flashed at my right eye. I winced a little and turned my head to see the sun's light reflecting off a piece of jewelry. I turned away from the deer and towards the object.

I knelt down and picked up a small black ring that had warrior carvings around it. I examined all edges of the ring and my eyes widened as I soon recognized it. It was Leif's father's. I let the ring slip from my fingers and into my quiver. I rushed back to the house.

I burst through the door and found Genovefa cleaning. "Where is Leif?" she pointed to the water and I saw he was showing Brynjar how to fish with a spear. I ran down the hill and towards my husband and son. "Leif! I need you to come with me to help with the deer!"

Leif took our son back to the house and followed me into the woods as I led us back to where the deer was still lying in the verdant grass. He helped me carry it back to the house where we butchered it ourselves. As I watched Leif chop the meat up I felt my muscles tense up every time the axe split through the meat. He looked up at me and puzzled. "What's the matter?" I walked closer and pulled out the ring of my quiver.

"I found this after I shot the deer." I handed the ring to Leif. Once he held it in his hand his eyes widened in confusion as he studied it.

"This is my father's ring. What was it doing out in the woods?" I shrugged my shoulders. Leif put the axe down and walked past me.

"Leif? Leif!" He continued to ignore me and study the ring as he made his way down to the fishing boat. Genovefa came out of the house and came up to me.

"Is everything alright Siggy?" I shook my head and turned away to finish butchering the meat. I could feel Genovefa's eyes on me for a little bit, but she said nothing and went back into the house. Once I heard the door close I put the axe down and took a deep breath. Is Leif alright? What could the ring mean? Why did he seem so surprised about it? Questions began to flood my mind and soon it was too much for to handle. I put the meat away and went inside to take a rest. What's really going on here?  

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