Chapter 25

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Genovefa and I hooked arms as I led her into our home. She gazed at the interior in awe. I smiled and showed her her room. She thanked me and took a seat on the edge of the bed. "I can help with supper." I turned to face Genovefa and smiled.

"Thank you Genovefa, but I'll handle this one myself. I want you to take it easy for a little bit and make yourself comfortable." Genovefa smiled and looked around. I went to the main room and saw Oydis trying to stand up and walk again.

I let out a small laugh as she stood up and then fell on her butt. She looked up at me and simply smiled. I picked my daughter up and rested her on my hip. I carried her back to Genovefa's room and found her staring out the window. "Genovefa" she spun around and smiled. "Everything alright?" She nodded and I walked closer. "This is my daughter Oydis." Genovefa reached her arms out and took my daughter.

I heard a pair of boots walk through the house. I turned to see Leif step in motioned his hand for me to follow. I puzzled and pursued out of the house down to the water.

He stopped at the edge and stared straight ahead. I squinted my eyes trying to make out what he was staring at. Abruptly, I felt a pair of hands grab me from under my legs and lift me up off the ground. I screamed and turned my head to see Leif smiling mischievously at me as he walked into the water. "Leif! Put me down!"

"Of course my wife" my eyes widened and I immediately regretted saying that. He winked and then threw me into the water.

I felt my back hit the sand floor as I sank. I wailed my arms and legs around until I felt something wrap around my arm and pull me up. I gasped for air and wiped my eyes. My eyes opened to see Leif laughing. I gave him a smirk and jumped on him pushing his shoulders down into the water. He arose to the surface and reacted the same way I did. This time it was my turn to laugh. "Glad to see you still know how to have some fun!" He commented. I splashed some water into his face and ran out.

He chased after me and quickly caught up and picked me up again. "You don't seem to take anything seriously." He smiled at my comment and then kissed me.

. . . .

I watched Genovefa carefully as she held out her sword and practiced the basic moves. Her stance was weak making her easy to throw her off balance. I sighed and stopped her. "Genovefa you are not stable enough to hold the sword, it's making you too easy to defeat." She lowered her head a little in shame.

"I guess the gods don't think I'm fit to be a warrior. Let alone defend myself." I looked around and spotted a pile of wood that looked like it was recently chopped up. I walked over and grabbed six pieces of lumber. Genovefa puzzled at me as I held out a couple of pieces of firewood to her. She carefully took them in her fragile hands. "I don't quite understand."

"You're not strong enough. We are going to do some training exercises that will help strengthen your muscles." I explained. I motioned my hand for her to follow me. We walked out further into the woods until my house was out of sight. I took all the pieces of wood back from her and pointed up the hill. "I want you to run up that hill. When you come back down I'll give you a piece of wood, then run back up and down and I'll give you another piece."

She nodded and rushed up the hill. She was fast and that was an advantage she had, but when you're on the battlefield, carrying a sword and shield it's harder to get away. Once she came down I handed her one log and she ran back up the hill. She came down again and I handed her the second log. Once she was carrying all six logs up and down the hill I stopped her and noticed she was out of breath. We walked back to the house and put the logs back on the rack.

We entered the house and noticed Leif was preparing supper. Genovefa quickly rushed to the kitchen and began to help. "Please sir let me handle supper!" She begged.

"It's fine Genovefa, I can handle it, and call me Leif." She nodded and left to go play with Brynjar and Oydis.

I walked over to Leif and rubbed his shoulders as he began to chop up the meat. I rested my chin on his right shoulder and watched him as he carved the knife through the red meat. "How is she doing in her training?" He asked.

"She is not strong enough to hold a sword and shield. It will take time, but I have faith in her" Leif glanced over at me and I notice a smile tug at his lips. My hands slipped away from his shoulders. He let out a frustrated groan. "What's wrong?"

"Don't stop! My shoulders have been hurting all day!" I laughed and turned around to check on Genovefa and the children.

. . . .

I sat up against the headboard of my bed and giggled as I watched Leif trudge in, struggle to take his shirt off, and then plunge face first onto the bed. He let out a moan and I got up to close the door knowing everybody else was asleep. I got back into bed and brushed my fingers through Leif's very light brown hair. He lifted his head and tried to smile, but let his face collapse back on the wool blanket.

"Would you like me to continue rubbing your shoulders?" He moaned and I knew it was a yes. I slipped out from under the blanket and sat on my heels next to him. I gently rubbed his bare shoulders and then slid down his back and then went up to his shoulders. He moaned once in awhile and then lifted his head.

"Can I ask you something?" He flipped around and moved back until he was sitting up against the headboard. I crawled towards him and nestled up against his bare chest. "I know this might be sensitive for you to answer but I was wondering . . ." Leif's voice trailed off.

"Leif" he looked down at me. "Where did you get this scar?" I asked as I traced my finger over the line that coiled around his right wrist.  

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