Chapter 5

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I stood nervously outside the door of my new family's home. I held up my fist ready to knock, but felt my muscles resisting as I tried to lower it. Part of me wanted to run back to my real family and tell them the change of plans, but I knew it was best to keep playing along, so no harm would come to my people.

I gently pounded my fist against the wooden door. In a few seconds a middle-age woman opened it and smiled from ear to ear. "You must be Maria! Oh it is a pleasure to meet you! Please come in, don't be shy!" I followed her into her little home. She filled a cup of water and pulled a chair out from the table.

"Have a seat and a drink. I'm Ivette!" I slowly sat down and took a sip of the water. Ivette's smile was like Judith's, warming and welcoming.

"The pleasure is mine. Thank you for letting me have a place to stay."

A man around the same age as her walked into the house. He got himself a cup of water and then turned to see his wife and a stranger sitting at his table. "Maria this my husband, Randolph."

He walked up to me with a confused look. I arose from my chair and held out my hand. "I'm Maria. It's a pleasure to meet you and thank you so much for letting me stay here." Randolph smiled and shook my hand.

"Oh don't thank me. It is a Christian duty to help those in need." I smiled. This couple was so kind and caring that I was hoping all Christians were like this, even the king.

. . . .

Two days went by as I remained with Ivette and Randolph on their small farm. I helped around both outside and inside the house. Ivette would teach me how to cook and sew. Randolph showed me how to farm and when to harvest. I was already starting to grow comfortable to their customs as I sat at the table and prayed with them before eating my meals. However, I was starting to worry more about my family and what they were probably doing as they waited and planned the rest of the attack.

In the distance I could hear a thumping sound grow louder. The sound of horse hooves pounding against the earth vibrated throughout the house. Ivette turned to me scared as she put down the knife she was using to cut the carrots.

I walked outside and she followed. Randolph came to us with a sword in hand. "The Norsemen have returned!" I looked up and saw King Ragnar, Lagertha, Björn, Hvitserk, and Ubbe riding on horses past our farm. Randolph stood in front of Ivette and I. As my father rode past, he spotted me and I could see the confusion in his face. I wished I could explain everything through my mind. Björn slowed his horse down and rode towards us. Randolph lifted his sword probably hoping it will scare him off.

My father stared at me and so did the rest of my family. I walked up to Randolph and lowered his hand that held the sword. He puzzled at me. "Please Randolph, just put the sword


I walked up to my father. Ivette screamed after me. "Maria! What are you doing? Don't! Maria!"

I could tell my father recoginzed me. "Please! These people don't mean any harm! Please!" My father turned his head and nodded at Ragnar. He turned back to me and smiled and then rode off with the rest of my family. I walked back to the couple. Ivette squeezed me and cried. Randolph patted me on the back.

"Oh dear Lord! I'm so happy you're alright! You had me so worried!" Ivette cried.

Later that night at dinner, Randolph complimented me on my bravery. I told him how I didn't believe they were bad people. He seemed to agree with me. "I believe our differences are the problem that makes our people enemies with them."

"It's mostly fuss about what kind of gods or God you praise" Ivette stated. I realize she was actually right. Back in Kattegat, everyone hated the Christians because they didn't hail the same deities. "But I do think that if it weren't for religion getting in the way, our people and the Norsemen could live together in peace."

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