Chapter 3

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We snuck onto the English soldiers camp. Before the men could awake we'd slit their throat. At first it was quiet and stealthy, until a soldier opened his eyes and let out a scream, causing the others to wake up. Everyone quickly grabbed their weapons and fought to the death.

Screams and cries pounded against my ears that I didn't notice an English soldier coming up from behind me. My father turned to face me and I could see his lips mouth my name. I turned around and held out my sword.

The soldier ran right into it, he stopped moving as the handle sticked out of his stomach and crimson liquid spat out of his mouth as he tried to speak. I yanked the sword out of him and ran to my father. As I tried to reach him, another Englishman came charging at me with his sword high up in the air. As he lowered it down onto me, I held my shield up and blocked his attack. I slipped my sword out from under and sliced it across his abdomen, then stabbed him in the chest.

I fought my way through the clamorous crowd, dodging swords and axes until I finally reached my father's side, once I was next to him I heard a high pitch scream fill the air. I turned my attention to a girl who looked to be my age lying on the ground with an English soldier groping over her. Her weapon was out of reach and he pinned her arms and legs down.

I ran to her ignoring my father screaming my name from behind me. My knuckles turned white as I tightened my grip on my sword and stabbed it into the soldier's side. He lifted his head and shrieked in pain. I kicked him off her and stabbed him in the throat. When I turned to face the girl she was already up with her weapon in hand. She walked up to me and the dead soldier, nodded and then decapitated him.

Thick red blood came gushing out when the girl's sword sliced his head clean off. She turned to me and gave a heinous smile and continued off. My father came up to me and grabbed my arm. His face covered in blood, yet there were no wounds on him and I could see why he got his nickname.  

. . . .

The enemies camp was coated with dead bodies, both Norsemen and English. We returned to our camp; men and women abetted to our injured and lined up the deceased for their bodies to be burned in the traditional burial.

Lagertha insisted I take a break as she continued to aide wrap a bandage around another warrior's wounded arm. I sighed and wandered over to river, I took a seat on the verdant grass and watched the sun's light began to peek over the mountains. The sound of feet walking grew louder in my direction, I looked up and recognized the girl I saved earlier. Her lips parted into a smile, only much more amicable than when he cut the head off of that English soldier. "I want to give you my gratitude for stopping that bastard earlier."

"You're welcome." I returned the smile and then turned my head back to the sunrise.

"What's your name?"

"Siggy" I looked back at the girl.

"I'm Embla." Her smile was kind and welcoming. "So I hear you're the granddaughter of King Ragnar Lothbrok? That must make you feel good to know you come from a strong family background the gods favor."

"Why does everyone think that? Before my grandfather was even Earl he was a farmer. He worked his way up to power. It was not handed to him by the gods like everyone thinks. The gods favor him because he showed his worth to them." Embla raised an eyebrow and let out a small laugh. I gave a playful glare and looked back to see the sun becoming more and more visible in the sky.

She lightly patted my shoulder and then walked away. I arose from my spot and headed towards my family, Hvitserk patted me on the back. "Well done Siggy! You really put up a fight back there!" I gave a slight nod, thanking him.

My uncles took their seats at a large round wooden table under a grand canopy. Soon my father, Lagertha, and Ragnar joined us. I walked over to my father's seat and stood behind him. They all began to bicker about seeking revenge, abruptly, Ragnar slammed his cup on the table, silencing everyone. We all turned our attention towards him, waiting for something inspiring to escape his lips. "King Ecbert broke a treaty. He betrayed us. He will regret it. I have been trying to think of ways we can take his kingdom without losing so many men in an up front battle. But first if you have any suggestions . . please speak."

"Seeing as how their scout camp was destroyed and all their men are dead---" Sigurd began to explain.

"Are you sure they're all dead?" my father asked.

"We killed the wounded and shot any who tried to escape," Ubbe explained.

"Therefore it will take longer for the news of our arrival to reach King Ecbert," Lagertha stated.

Ragnar got up from his chair and casually walked around the table. Everyone started to argue with one another about ways we could take down Ecbert. Some were suggesting we sneak in and slit Ecbert's throat, while others wanted to burn Wessex to the ground and claim the whole kingdom as their own. Ragnar, however, continued to circle around the table quietly.

He turned to look at me. His piercing cerulean eyes examining me as if the secrets of taking Wessex, England were hidden somewhere inside me. I straightened my back a little as he came closer to me. He laid his right hand on my left shoulder and pulled me close, whispering in my ear. "Do you remember that stories I told you about Athelstan and the Christians?" I nodded. "I have an important task for you. It will be risky, but I need you to do as I say."  

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