"Ugh, why don't you just go eat then?"

"I don't want to go down there by myself." Lauren mumbles, looking down. Being in a huge house that she hasn't been in before with people that she doesn't know makes Lauren feel vulnerable. Camila's house and her friends are both equally intimidating, and Lauren can't help but feel a little uncomfortable.

Camila looks up at the girl who is now looking down at her hands, shyly. In her sleepy delirium she mumbles "You're cute." without realizing what she said. Lauren blushes deeper and keeps her gaze on the floor.

"Ugh, okay, I'm up." Camila sighs with her voice still deeply laced with sleep. She throws her blankets off of her and sits up lethargically.

Lauren looks back up at the girl and smiles widely. "Well? Come on, I'm hungry!" The green eyed girl grabs her hand and tugs her up. Either her arms are much stronger than she realized, or Camila is a lot lighter than she thought, because she pulled Camila so hard that she almost fell off of her bed. Camila grabbed onto Lauren so she wouldn't fall, and both girls blushed out of embarrassment.

"Um, --"

"If you just wanted a hug, you could've just asked me." Camila jokes.

"Shut up." Lauren blushes.

Camila removes herself from the taller girl's arms. "Come on, graffiti girl, I can practically hear your stomach eating itself."

Lauren rolls her eyes, but follows Camila out of her bedroom. "Is that gonna be like a thing now?"

"What are you talking about?" Camila asks behind her, as they go down the large staircase.

"You calling me 'graffiti girl'?" Lauren asks, putting quotes around the term graffiti girl.

When they reach the bottom of the stairs, Camila turns around. "Maybe." She quips with a flirty wink. She then continues her path to the kitchen, leaving a blushing Lauren to catch up.

As the two girls approach the kitchen, they hear Countdown playing from the in-house speakers.

"Oh Lord, who gave Cheechee the aux chord again?!" Camila yells when she enters.

"Shut up, Chancho." Dinah licks the cookie dough covered wooden spoon that she is holding. She turns to look at the pair that just entered the room.

"Aww, Lauren you look cute." Mani compliments from her position on the counter.

"Yeah, way better than Mila in it." Dinah snorts. Ally reaches over and smacks her on the arm, telling her to be nice.

"Um, thank you?" Lauren laughs awkwardly.

"Oh, Lauren sweetie, I have your pizza here."

"Thank you so much, Taylor." Lauren shuffles over to the island and plops down, immediately digging into the warm pizza, moaning at the delicious taste.

Camila turns to her best friends. "So, where were you two about twenty minutes ago?"

Both girls blush deeply. "We were on the, um, the balcony! Dinah wanted to see the stars, right babe?!" Normani asks frantically.

Dinah snorts. "I don't even know why you try and cover it up, babe, they know what we were doing. Besides, its not like you were that quiet anyways."

Normani glares at her girlfriend, now pissed off. "Just announce it to the whole fucking world, why don't you?! How many times do I have to ask you to stop flaunting our sex life in front of our friends?!"

"Well maybe if you wouldn't have sex in my house you wouldn't have to worry about that." Camila says to herself. Ally and Taylor hear, and they all glare at the girl. Thankfully, Mani doesn't hear and Camila can live another day.

The Graffiti Artist (Camren/ Norminah)Where stories live. Discover now