Halloween- Chapter Ten

Start from the beginning

Maddy’s POV


Soon enough it was Halloween. We are going to have a party after the champions have been drawn. Suddenly my brother came up to me. “Hey mad. I know you’re my sister but you’re more like a very good friend to me. Anyway, we have to go to the Great Hall now. The names are being drawn”, Harry said. “Yeah, I’ll be down in a minute”, I say as he walks off. “Hello Madz”, Fred said.  “What’s the matter?  You’ve seemed sad lately”.  “Oh nothing. You wouldn’t understand anyway. I’m sure Amber’s waiting to see if you become the Hogwarts champion. Scurry along to her then why don’t you?” I say angrily. Why am I so angry all the time? I felt a hand on my arm pull me back. “What?!” I snap. “Maddy please tell me what’s going on! I want to help you”, Fred says. “I don’t need your help or sympathy. Just leave me alone… please”, I say. “Fine, I’m going to my girlfriend now. Coming George?” he asks. “Yeah I’ll be there in a minute. You go without me. I’ll catch up”, he says.

Fred soon left leaving George and me alone in the common room. He suddenly steps towards me so I took a step back. Then he took another step forwards and I took another step back. That continued until I was leant against the wall. He snaked his hands around my waist and kissed me. “George don’t. You’ll just make me confused”, I said but he continued to kiss me. I soon found myself running my fingers through his hair but soon I stopped myself. “We have to go to the Great Hall”, I say. He grabs my hand and rushed down to the hall.  We sat down just as they were starting. Stupid Amber was sitting on Fred’s lap. Anilise came and sat on the other side of me. George was noticing that I was glaring at Fred and Amber so he squeezed my hand. I looked at George and smiled.

“The Beauxbatons champion is Fleur Delacour”, Dumbledore read. Another sheet of paper   came out of the Goblet. “The Durmstrang champion is Viktor Krum”. All of the Durmstrang guys started cheering and saying stuff in Bulgarian. Next was the Hogwarts champion. Even though I have a Love/Hate relationship with Fred now I still hope he doesn’t  get picked. “And the Hogwarts champion is Cedric Diggory”. I sighed with relief as my favourite twins in the world didn’t get picked. “Excellent! We now have our three champions!  But in the end, only one will go down in history. Only one will hoist this chalice of champions, this vessel of victory, the Triwizard Cup!” Dumbledore says. Suddenly the Goblet shot out red flames and another sheet of parchment flew out of the goblet. “Harry Potter”, Dumbledore said quietly. “Harry Potter!” he yelled. Everyone stared at him as he walked to Dumbledore. “He’s a cheat!” someone yelled. “He’s not even seventeen yet”, someone else said. “Everybody shut it!” Anilise said. “Harry! You’ll be fine”, I yelled. McGonagall glared at me.

“George. What will I do? That’s my brother! I know he didn’t enter. He’s been my friend for many years and I know he ‘d never do something as stupid as that. He wouldn’t get someone to do it either. Someone’s plotting to get him injured or dead”, I said, starting to panic. “Maddy, calm down. He’ll be fine. They might be able to change the rules because he’s underage and had no intention of entering”, George said reassuring me. One of the teachers told us to go up to bed. Once we got up to the common room the party started. I got out my wand and hung up decorations. “Fred. George. Go to the kitchen and get the house elves to get us some food”, I say.

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