Adrianna refused to talk about Chris anymore so we discussed her new job and caught her up on the plans we had made so far for the wedding. Adrianna listened to what I had to say then shook her head. "I'm still pissed he fucked around on you, broke up or not, fucked up or not." I shrugged. "I know I feel more insecure now and that is so not a good thing. I mean he is Lil fucking Wayne you can not be insecure when you date him." Adrianna shook her head. "Ya'll two will be fine Maci. I mean I swear to God I thought you were fucking insane when you told me ya'll were talking, then you go and move in with him and get knocked up. Now your about to be married. Live your dream girl." I grinned at her, she had always know I had I had a weakness for him. I bit my lip looking down at her. "Well who would have ever thought I'd have Lil Wayne's' baby and you wold have Chris Brown's." Adrianna groaned. "You fucking cursed me. I swear I should hate you." I laughed at her, "Umm you cant stick me with that one. I sleep with Wayne, have nothing to do with what you and Chris do behind closed doors." She grinned at me. "Shut up. I wouldn't even know him if you hadn't started talking to Wayne." I shrugged, "don't be a hater Adrianna." Adrianna glanced at me, "no hating over here."

Adrianna and I sat talking for what seemed like forever. Maliyah had long ago woke up and Adrianna was holding her, Fallon was being Fallon. We decided to run to the store and buy her some stuff she could play with. I sent Wayne a text letting him know we would be out for a bit. He text back telling me to be careful. Adrianna helped me get the girls dressed and after I had changed into something decent and fixed my hair we left. The hotel lobby was packed and I was glad Adrianna was there to help with the girls. I knelt down picking up Fallon as we made our way to the front. Some guys in the corner started pointing at me and I cussed. "Shit make sure Maliyah is covered up and lets get the hell out of here." Adrianna looked at me crazy but did as I said. We had already called down and her car was waiting on us. The guys caught up with us as I was stepping in the car. Adrianna glanced at me as she pulled off. "Damn, I didn't think they would recognize you." I shrugged. "Everybody wants a picture of Maliyah."Adrianna shook her head. "At least you ain't looking too ratchet." I cut my eyes at her and she started laughing. "I thought ya'll were releasing her pics to some magazine." I nodded. "It's Wayne and all of his kids." She looked over at me, "what about Fallon." I smiled, "yeah she will be in it too. Ryan even oked it can you believe that?" Adrianna shook her head. "Hell no."

Fallon got excited as Adrianna parked her car. I grabbed Fallon and Adrianna pulled Maliyah's car seat out making sure she was covered up. I send a silent thank you God that she was asleep because she would so not let the blanket be up if she was awake, that girl was too damn nosey. The minute we stepped in the toy store Fallon was ooing and awing. I rolled my eyes, this was going to be disastrous. Fallon wanted every single thing she saw in the store. I tried explaining to her that whatever she got had to be able to be brought home on the jet so no motorized cars, no playhouses, no bicycles. I hit a corner seeing bunch of baby dolls and accessories for them. "Look Fallon, you can get a baby and all this cool stuff to go with it." Fallon looked at me like I had lost my mind until she saw all the other things you can get. She finally decided on a baby that she thought looked like Maliyah. I allowed her to get two sets of clothes for her, a diaper bag that came complete with baby bottles, diapers baby food. She also wanted a stroller that could be transformed into a car seat. I had to stop her at the bassinet and changing table. She wasn't too happy but didn't through a fit. Adrianna and I walked to the baby section and I picked up a bouncy seat so Maliayah would have something to sit in. I picked out a unisex one so I could leave it with Adrianna, after all she would be needing one soon. As we went to check out I ended up grabbing some play dough and a couple of coloring books and crayons. Yes Fallon was spoiled.

On the way back to the house we ran through a fast food restaurant grabbing some burgers and fires. Pulling up to the hotel the doorman called and had someone come out and help us carry everything inside. Fallon insisted on opening everything and making a mess, Adrianna and I laughed as we picked up behind her. She was so sleepy she was fussing about everything. She ended up passing out in the floor feeding her baby a bottle. Maliyah was content in the bouncy seat and ended up falling asleep too. I glanced over at Adrianna and saw she had passed out also. Damn lazy ass. I sighed wishing Wayne was home. I sat back kicking my feet up but couldn't go to sleep. Adrianna's phone went off and i saw Chris's name pop up. I frowned looking at her she never flinched. On a split minute decision I grabbed her phone. "Hey its Maci."

Life with Tunechi: Third bookWhere stories live. Discover now