"Bingo.New Mexico." Melvin says closing his laptop. Dr.Twan shakes her head in fear.

"How did you--?" She starts to say. "It's not possible. Who are you kids?"

"We are ...kids." Sean says grinning. " Looks like we are done here folks." He says as we all walk to get out of this place.

"Thank you." I say looking back at Dr.Twan. "I will call the US embassy and tell them about your mistreatment to American Citizens.."

"You have no evidence." She says her makeup running from crying.

"I don't need it." I say and close her office door. I don't know who she thinks she is, but obviously we ended up winning, well sort of. Now we have to travel all the way to New Mexico.

"She obviously will call the cops on us." Melvin says as we head out the hospital. We board the white lion and just like Melvin predicted , the cops are on us once again. Is pure chaos when all these cop are following a huge cargo truck...I call the person in charge of our luggage back in the hotel and ask him to send all our stuff to the airport as soon as possible. With connections from the ambassadors, we got a last minute flight booked to Miami right away.

We use the backup plan, Plan B.  while the cops chase us, which is to hop on the cars inside the truck and speed out through the rear door of the truck. We do it and the truck crashes right when we leave it. So long White Lion. It's a traffic disaster but we are fast enough to reach the airport in no time.

"Run! Flight leaves in 15 minutes." Alice says as we abandon our cars and run inside the airport. The hotel person tells us our luggage has been checked and it's inside the plane already. We go through security really fast and all that.

"Thank you for everything." I say as we run across the airport.

"Thailand was fun." Sean says grabbing my hand as we run inside the plane. I grin and kiss him as we enter and sit down. I breathe in and out again. I need to calm down. I look outside the window, with a dramatic pause

I leave  here knowing mom is alive or at least I hope she is; after all the years who knows what could've happened to her. But faith is driving me now and something tells me she is alive and well. I debate if I should call and tell Deckard when we land in the states. I honestly don't know what to do, Sean tells me to follow my heart, but my heart doesn't feel anymore not after everything that has happen. All the killing, and losing Sasha...everything is too much...

After Landing in MIA-

"Rosie wake up. We're here." Sean says kissing my forehead. I remember waking up from yet another nightmare earlier, and we were flying over Africa, and now we are in Miami. Time literally flies. 21 hours and plus in an airplane though can make time tick so slow.

I grab my backpack and walk with the crew outside the plane. The sun is just rising, it looks beautiful outside.

"Back home baby!" Alice says with her camera pointing on my face. Here we go with the homevideos. "Tell your fans how you feel Rosie Shaw."

I look at the camera and fakes mile." Tired and hungry." I'm honestly so happy to be back in MIA. It feels good to be in my second home. First home is Atlanta of course.

"I smell like Thailand." Melvin says sniffing his shirt.

"No shit Sherlock." Sean says giving him a small push.

"He needs to smell perfect because Maggie is in Miami and hes going to see her." I say and Melvin shakes his head.  I'm obviously just kissing. I don't even thing Melvin is all that interested in Maggie, I mean he flirted with all these girls in Thailand. But we all still mess with him  about Maggie until he gets mad.

We then walk and pick up our luggage inside the very busy MIA airport. We walk to the exit and a men in a suit approached us with a sign that reads "Undercover Racing Savages." I stare at the sign and only one person had to some up with this.

"Simmons..." Alice says laughing. I shake my head and smile.

"If this ain't Simmons." Chris says shaking the men in the suit's hands.

"I was directed to take you all home." The men says.

"And where is home?" Melvin says turning on his cellphone on and checking some stuff out.

"I don't know. Chris Shaw's mansion perhaps?" The men says and we all nod and smile. That is basically our home.

"You got it." Chris says with a wink. We follow the men to two, black, luxury suv's. Some other men take our luggage to put it  all in the other car while we all hop inside one car, together.

"Look what I found in my luggage." Chris says giving me the photo of mom and I hugging. He gave it to me in England and I remember putting it in my purse; Don't know how it got inside his luggage.

"Oh shit thanks bro.. This is like the only thing I have of Mom." I say taking the picture and putting inside my black backpack where I keep my laptop.

"I know. " Chris says running my arm. "So...now it's New Mexico? I thought we were closer than ever in Thailand to finding her." I look at him for a second.

"We are a step closer. We know she's alive and we know the doctor..." I say feeling hopeful.

"Oh forgot to mention we blocked Dr.Twan's communications with Dang Pin back here in America." Alice says noticing Chris is losing hope again.

"No way? How you guys do this ?" Sean says, impressed.

"Long story. Hacking school of the CIA." Melvin says on his phone.

"Yes and not only that, but we also track Dang Pin's cellphone. We know every move he makes." Alice continues, Chris gets a bit more enthusiastic as kisses her.

"Not here.." Melvin says and I kiss Sean to mess with him. "Great....Driver speed it up, were all very...anxious to get home." We all laugh at Melvin's response. "I'm tired of fifth wheeling."

"You won't have to do it no more." Chris says giving him a wink.

"Maggie 's excited on us being back." I say, taking a pause from kissing Sean and waving my phone in the air.

"Are you sure? Isn't she excited because Melvin is here?" Sean asks and Melvin rolls his eye and we all mock him and laugh. It's one of those days were we mess with Melvin all day.

"We left for like 3 days calm down." Melvin says ignoring us, but lowkey, he knows he want to laugh.

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